Weekend of Nothing

Wow, What a weekend, I really did pretty much nothing!

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I know it’s hard to believe but it’s True. On Friday I stayed in and watched some More Buffy. Played a little swg but not much.

Saturday I leisurely woke up and went over to Jen’s house to help Amy babysit. While there we (you guessed it) watched more Buffy. . Sunday was a very lazy day, Went out to try and find a new Balaclava cause I lost mine at shoreleave. After that, Yup, more Buffy. . I managed to get to the 6th Episode on Season 3. I know next weekend is a mini-con, I hope to get a new Balaclava before then. /sigh Well here is something to keep you Busy, this dude has some Funny SWG videos on his site, Check it out!

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