Well Well Well Well Well, What another great weekend! Not mcuh Happened on Friday but Prepping for the House warming Party at Marc and Lori Pattons. And Sunday was Spent Driving Back from Said Party and then sitting at home all day sick. Not sure what I had, but it sucked. Didn’t want to do anything but Lay there and Groan. But….. SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!
ok So Saturday was the Party. Marc and Lori just moved into their new house and it Looked AMAZING, That is, after I finaly got there. See Amy and I left at around 12:30pm on Saturday. I was in No big hurry to get up and get my stuff ready. Only problem I did not account for? Traffic on 95 South. It was Horrible!! I mean we are at a dead stop at points! at around 2:30 I was starving and we were still 10 miles away from the exit we needed (mind you we were only going 5 miles an hour) So we stopped off and got a sandwich. Finaly arrived at the house at around 3:30 or 4. While pulling into the driveway of Their house I tried to Park but Ended up Sinking and sliding Into a Ditch. Car was at a Nice 45 deggree angle and 1 tire Off the Ground. Almost rolled the thing if it weren’t for the 15 guys helping me keep it on the ground. We Sent Amy out the Drivers window over top of me so she would be safe. Finaly someone grabbed a Tow Cable and an SUV and Pulled me Out of it. Then we headed into the Party! Quite the enterance Eh?
The Party was a great time. I had Planned to start drinking, especialy after my little Escapade in the Ditch, But alas there was nothing I was really interested in Drinking. I of course whipped out the Video Camera and Started Filming everyone else drinking tho! (: I will see about getting that Video up for people soon. We all eventually got into Armor and did a Little Film work for a Presentation. If you check out the Gallery you can see some of the Pictures of that. Around 11pm we all went for a nice walk through the Forest under the Light of a Blue Moon (and Lori’s Bright ass Spotlight!! I Swear I am gonna attach a Bat Image on the front of that). Then it was time to Crash out. Sunday brought the drive back (Ditch free) and the Icky Icky feelings. If I remember more from the weekend I am sure I will post about it.
Update: Also managed to pick me up a cool Little boom box for travel trips, It plays MP3’s as well! Very Handy and in-expensive!