So, its been a bit since I’ve posted, so sue me. I haven’t had that much to post the would be interesting anyway.
Well, I did it, something I thought I’d never do. I joined to company softball team at the company picnic. It was kinda fun and the kids got to play on a bunch of those inflatable things where they bounce and run around. Anyway, yeah I should work out. It was evident when my knees gave out rounding third and heading for home (scored the winning point in the championship game. Woot!). I didn’t fall but I was SO done after that. Thats what they get for making me catcher. (Technically, I didn’t catch anything either. /sigh)
Well, the rest of the weekend was spent in mucho pain. My knees were so sore that I could barely walk and I had severely sunburned my arms, neck and face. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.
Well, we also took the kids out to the zoo yesterday, I looked pretty funny with the way that I was walking (pain) and the racoon face from the burn line around my sunglasses. It was fun but tack on ankle pain. If this is what getting older is all about I opt out!
you’re such an old man. Next time you will be complaining about chronic arthritis and hemroids. I wish i was there though. I’m sure you rounding to home was a site to see.
(p.s. you should drink more water. it lubricates the joints too.)