It’s Here It’s Here!

My Spidey Suit Has arrived!!!!!! Check out the gallery for some Pictures of it. Of course the Real fun will be when I wear the suit at DragonCon. WhooHoo I am so Excited! It fits really well and is Super comfortable!

The weekend went pretty well. Saturday we had a Company picnic. After that I came home and Waited for Doc and Diz to show up. We hung out for a while and then went to Rain and Steves place to hang out there and go Over costumes. Got to see an Early version of Doc’s Gambit costumes and all I have to say is WOW! I will see about Uploading some Pics soon.

Sunday we went to see Aliens Vs Predator. Overall it was good. Lacked any Deep story line but hey, I wasn’t expecting to see any. It was Far too short. I wanted to see Lots more Predator Kicking the Crap out of Slimey Alien action but it was Good. Came home, Ate dinner. Got Stomach Cramps, went to bed. Now this morning I have a Really wierd Un-explained Swollen Eye. I have no Idea why. If it gets worse I am sure you will hear about it.

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