Ok, You know I have mentioned how much I love the Spiderman suit. And pretty much how much I love spiderman in general. Kinda like the Star wars thing with the 501st, there seems to be a great following in the way of Comic book costuming! Here are a few links for you Comic book Costuming nuts:
X-men Cosplay Forum
Spiderman Costumes!
Superhero Hype
Spiderman 4 Fun
Everything else is going ok. My Eye is slowling getting better. it’s not as Swollen and not as sore. This upcoming weekend is a Solo weekend. Doc has invited me down to VA Beach, but I haven’t decided if I want to go. Next weekend (the 28th) John will be back in Town to work on his Armor and the weekend after that is DragonCon (wow is it that close???) So this weekend is just me and I have a chance to Breath and get things in order around the house. Not to mention getting costumes in Order. I think I am gonna start working on a Costuming page for the Site. So I can write up about each Costume I am doing. For DragonCon, Amy and I are doing Sort of matching Costumes. Here is a Table showing what we are doing. I will be updating this table with real pictures as I have them:
Back to the grind!