Stress, The other White Meat!

Holy good Gods, when it rains it Pours!!! ok, so here I am, it’s 3 days to DragonCon. 3 DAYS!!!! The Stressers are Building. On Top of Getting all of the Costumes Ready, Working on Johns Clone Armor, Building a List of what To take Suddenly I get a Letter from GMAC (my Car Loan people) telling me they want more Money. Normaly this would be fine except I re-financed my Car through the my bank and GMAC was paid off. So I had a Huge Hassle with THAT today. THEN… it turns out I had to get the Brakes on my Car re-Done and the Serpintine Belt Replaced. GAH!!!!! I need a Vacation from getting ready for my Vacation!

Watch the Gallery for Upcoming DragonCon Pictures. I will try Desperatly to Update from the Con. Well see if I can get in another Blog Post before leaving.

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