The DragonCon Blog Post!

Oh Dear Gods where to start??? Well I guess given my memory it’s best to go Day by Day:

Wednesday: Was still at work until about 5ish then headed home to Franticly Pack and help John finish up his Clone trooper armor. We were working through the night to get it done. I ended up Crashing at around 2am and he was still Painting.

Thursday: Woke up at 5am (Forcefully) and Started packing the Car to go. 3 people, 2 Sets of Armor, 16 Total costumes, clothes for the whole weekend, and Cameras and such. All fit in my little Saturn. We headed out and were very very Tired. Made it to Fredericksburg and heard Steve, Rain, Marc and Lori on the FRS Radio! Managed to hook up with them for the rest of the Trip down, and it was a Blast!! we rolled into Atlanta at around 4:30pm and started unpacking and getting rooms settled. Was starving so we went to Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe. Shortly after that it was off to Browse around the General area and snap a few early Pictures. Then I think we managed to make it to Bed.

Friday: Ahhh the First Full day! We wanted to start out really Comfortable so we decided the Pirate gear was the easiest to do. While walking around downstairs we were Accosted by some other Pirates and Invited to a mini Pirate Parade! After that, Amy went off to help the Trooper Groupies with the “Droid Hunt” which was a Game the 501st was playing. I switched to my Neon Costume (which sadly I do not have a picture of) and just walked around and checked out stuff. Met up with Steve and Rain and they had gotten into Wolverine and Jean Grey Costume so Amy and I did a quick Spidey & MJ trip! After that we came back to the GT Party Room and Started Drinking, Heavily. Not Sure I remember much after that point, and I am not sure I want to. Ended up Crashing out around 1-2ish.

Saturday: Prolly one of the Biggest Days of the convention! The amount of Costumes there was AMAZING! Today was 501st day so it was Biker for me, Groupie for Amy, and Clone for John. Rain showed off her Fem Trooper. We got to meet Jewel Staite who played Kaylee on the HIT TV SHOW Firefly. She and Her Husband Matt were Awesome! We saw them at their Table, we saw them Out in front of the Panel room, They even Came in the same Elevator as us. Amy got them hook up with playing the Droid Hunt game. They Waved to us at the Restaurant we were at that evening. I even got to give them an “Imperial” Escort out of the Dealers room. Amy Inducted her into the Trooper Groupies. We also got to meet and Talk to Nathan Fillion and Adam Baldwin also from Firefly. Nathan is a Total Goofball! Saturday night was the 501st Mixer so we Got geared up again and headed out. This time we had TK-Prancer and TK-Dancer with us. It was a Monster of a day so we hit the Hot tub afterwards.

Sunday: Wanted to take my time and Browse all the Dealer rooms and such today so we Dressed as Civilan Cyclops and Jean Grey. Have to say it was great to walk around very comfortable and take a look at everything in our own time. We met up with Steve and Rain and Doc and Diz for our X-men shots. Shortly after that Amy and I headed up to change into Spidey and MJ again for the Masquerade. We lost the group so we headed out to the Shuttles to the Civic Center, sure enough, just as our shuttle Pulls away we see the group come out to get on the next one. The Masquerade was pretty Good. There were a lot of people that just ran toooooo long. We ended up getting fed up and headed out to hit the Bar. I got Dressed up as Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Amy dressed as a Slayer. Got a Lot of Compliments as well. After the bar we headed back to the Party room.

Monday: The Slow Going day! Things were still open but starting to close down. We opted for no Costumes and just take everything very slow. Lots of Hot Tub and Final Dealers room Browsing. We ended with the Annual Garrison Tyranus Dinner at Bennihana’s. After that, Packing for the Trip home.

Tuesday: Long Drive. So Tired. Came home, Slept Lots.

So here I am today, very tired and out of it. Will be taking John to the Airport in about 2 hours and then I dunno what. I have uploaded all my Pics to the Gallery and will provide links to Other Pic Pages soon. I will try and Post more tomorrow if I remember something I forgot.

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