Here it is, The Weekend Wrap-up. Well, I would say that not a lot happened this weekend, you know, like I have been saying for the last few weekends. But, I would be lying. And Unlike one complete idiot I know who happens to live in Texas, I don’t Lie. (Gee I’m sorry was that a cheap shot?) SO, where was I? Oh yeah, this weekend I managed to do a lot of Stuff!
Saturday I had to make a run down to Solomon’s Island. Heathers Uncle loaned me a mini fridge a long time ago and Asked for it back so I went down to return it. Jen was nice enough to drive me down there using the van (mini fridge + Saturn = No go). So we took her Kids down there and they got to see the aquarium and museum and such. I finally got home at like 7pm. Well Paul calls me up and says “Let go see a Movie” So, with nothing else really going on I say Sure. So what did we go see?
All I have to say is, Oh My Gods, This movie was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. This movie is guaranteed to offend you in some way. The Music was amazingly hilarious. Plain and simple, if you don’t mind Offensive Behavior/Humor/Words/Puppet Sex then GO SEE THIS MOVIE!
Sunday was spent Sleeping in and Playing around on the PC (of course), then I called it an early night and laid in bed talking to the woman I love, 3 more days!
So lonely….
You mean Ronry