Feelin Icky

Yes, I feel icky. My stomach is churning like bad acid and I feel slightly feverish. But I don’t want to loose any vacation time so I am sitting here at work feeling Miserable.

Beta for JTL ended yesterday and It was Very Un-eventful. Well, It was Un-eventful for me because they decided to end Beta at 3pm on a weekday. Personally I find that very crappy. Most all of the Hard Core testers are adults and have Jobs or School to attend during the day, so why would you have the end of Beta events Mid-Day on a weekday? Very crappy.

Well I posted some screenshots and some movies from beta I hope you enjoy them. Amy is coming over today and I will prolly be lying on the couch for most of the evening. I did get to Play with my Fireplace this last weekend. It’s very nice to have a Fireplace again. Haven’t had to turn the heat on yet! (:

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