What a Weekend! First on Friday I finally bought the new Car Stereo for the new truck. It’s really good and I got a great deal on it. So I had that installed and pretty much took Friday night off. Saturday morning I had a mild headache so I woke up and took a shower (about 10am). Amy wasn’t awake yet so I decided to sneak out of the house. I got dressed real quiet and carefully made my way out of the house and Down to a little Bagel place. I picked me up some Breakfast and some Chai. Came back and she was Still asleep so I arranged the Breakfast sandwiches on a plate and Took her a Chai and woke her up with Breakfast in Bed. She was very surprised.
After enjoying our breakfast we got up and got ready to go down to Fredericksburg. Garrison Tyranus was having a Bowling party down there so we decided to attend. On the way down we stopped at Potomac Mills Mall and picked up something for Docs Birthday which was Sunday. The Bowling party was fun, I got a few Pictures and didn’t do too Bad. And for Amy’s first time Bowling she did Pretty well. Sat night I wasn’t feeling well so we went home and watched a movie (I don’t remember much)
Sunday was a busy morning. Woke up and Got Dressed, Headed to Wal-Mart to Print out a Picture of Jewel Staite that we took at DragonCon. Then Got some Chai, and some other errands I am sure I forgot about. Then we headed to GalaxyCon. I have to say GalaxyCon is prolly the smallest convention I have ever seen. The dealers room had a total of about 4-5 Dealers. There was 1 Fan Table. 1 Autograph room with about 6 Celebs, and 1 Panel Room. When we got there Jewel was up giving her Panel. I think she recognized us from DragonCon too. After the Panel we gave them the picture to keep and even got a small version of it Signed by her and Her Hubby Matty. Since the convention was so small, we had pretty much seen everything in the first 10 min so we spent the rest of the time hanging out with Jewel and Matty. Every now and Then Robia Lamorte (Jenny Calendar from Buffy) and Mark Lutz (the Groosalugg from Angel) would stop by and chat. We finally left there around 5pm. It was a lot of Fun hanging out with them for the day. There were rumors of them coming back for a few other conventions and I hope they do. It would be great to see them again.
Came home on Sunday night and just relaxed at home. Not much else to say (:
EDIT: For those of you who don’t know, Jewel is a Star of TV and Movies mainly for the Show Firefly, as well as Many other extreemly well acted roles.