Weekend Update!

Wow, what a weekend! For starters you may have noticed a little change in either how you got here or where you are now. If you don’t notice any difference than I did everything right and it’s Transparent. I switched Domain Hosts! We are no longer hosted by V3, which was a nice company, Just not what I wanted. We are now Hosted by BlueHost! And www.wizzer.org is a Domain and Host site, not just a Redirect.

Ok, Let me take it down a notch for those who are looking at that last paragraph and saying “Huh?” When I bought the rights to www.wizzer.org last year I only bought the name. V3 actually Redirected all Traffic that went to wizzer.org to my cox.net personal web space. Which is why most bookmarked pages are members.cox.net/spetrucelli/page.htm instead of www.wizzer.org/page.htm . Following so far? So by doing this switch, all of my Pages are now hosted on the wizzer.org machine. I have set up a few Temp pages that will forward you from the old site to here, just in case.

Now, why did I do all this? GOOD QUESTION! I needed more from my Site. More space, more capability etc. and to do that I needed full blown webspace. I am working with DeadManWalking on getting my Gallery moved over from the Team Immortal site to here, and will prolly move the Movies over as well. We have a whopping 2gb of space to play with.

So as for the weekend, You guys know that I was feeling pretty sick last week right? Yeah well that being said it prolly was not a good idea to go out and Drink on Friday night. Knowing that it was a bad Idea to drink it would have been an even worse idea to drink Jägermeister. So with these incredibly bad ideas in mind, Paul and I headed out to a local irish pub on Friday Night called Ned Divines. It was here that we started to Imbibe. First came the Liquid Cocaine. Next, the Red Headed Slut. Then, another Liquid Cocaine. Somewhere in there we ate dinner.

Ned Divines wasn’t as happening as we had hoped so we headed over to a great little college bar called T.T. Reynolds. Right off the bat He started there with gin and Tonic and I had an Amoretto Sour. Throughout the Night it was all Ciders for me, about 5-6 of them. Paul stuck with the Gin and Tonic, But I could swear he had more ice than Booze. Well a few bands started Playing and the music there was Uber loud. Of course that might have something to do with us standing Right next to the speaker. By about 1am I was hurting. No wait, I take that back, I was feeling no pain what-so-ever. I gave Amy a call and gave her pretty good directions (considering I was 3 sheets) and she was on her way to get us. Paul had wandered out of the bar to catch up to me, and then realized that he left his Tab Open and Credit card there. He stumbled back in to retrieve it and we started wandering down the street. I have No idea how far I got before Amy got to us, but she said she was happy that there were no police in view, as we would have been taken in for Public Intoxication. I wonder if that Bush Paul fell in was Public or private.

I am going to spare you the details of the rest of the evening, needless to say it got really Ugly from there. (Really ugly). Saturday was not to happy a day for me because of all of this, but I still managed to get up and moving and get some things accomplished. We went through and got all of my Paperwork in order. We finally picked up Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 7, so I can see how the story ends. Sunday was a slow day as well. We decorated the Tree and lounged around the house.

There may be more, so I will probably try and update as the memory returns to me. Oh, I know one thing. (how Could I forget this) Due to the events of Friday night and the Sickness of last week, I now have no Voice. Yup, you could say the weekend left me totally speechless. (ba-dum-dum)

DISCLAIMER: For those Family members and friend who might actually be concerned for me. Please keep in mind, I Rarely go out and drink. And even when I do drink it is VERY rare that I drink as much as I did. The last time I drank this much, I believe was in Okinawa, the night before the Alice in Wonderland auditions. (For those that remember that) So don’t think that this is a regular occurrence for me. It’s not, and it will probably be quite some time before that ever happens again. (Well, at least until new years (: )

  1. Bah. I think we both needed it. It is a rare occaision for me to even drink anymore either, let alone that much. It was worth the pain.

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