I am so not Emo…

So apparently there is a new movement ravaging across the youth of today. (I can say youth now, I am over 30) When I was young, there was this new style called Goth. Typically Goth people wore black, listen to dark music, and are very very angsty. Now, I loved wearing black, I was a big fan of dark music, and being a teenager, was the epitome of angst. I played Vampire, I yelled at my parents, you know, all the things that a young Goth teenager would do. Even into my early twenties, I still enjoyed the music and wore black. The only problem is, so did everyone else. To be “Goth” became the cool thing to do. Everyone was Goth now. Stores like “Sears” and “JC Penny’s” started selling dark Goth clothing. The only problem with this is that, I enjoyed being Goth because it was the rebellious thing to do. Now, if everyone is rebelling, who are we rebelling against?

So I tapered off my Goth regime. I started buying some regular clothes, some non-black jeans, the occasional blue T-shirt, etc. I look at the kids today walking around in their black spiky hair, and their torn “Doors” black shirts and I just laugh. I laugh because, 1: I used to be like that, and 2: I did it because it’s what I wanted, not what everyone was doing.

BUT WAIT, There’s more. Now there is a new movement, it would seem that the Goth scene has split (that’s what happens when you have too many people rebelling) Now you have Goths and Emo. Goths are the Dark Rebels and Emo’s are the Trendy rebels. At least, this is what I see.

This all started with my friend turning to me and saying

“Your so Emo.”

“I’m what?”

“Emo! Look at you, you wear trendy black, you style your hair, you listen to punk music, Your Emo”

“I am so not Emo”

He sent me a few online quizzes and sure enough, they said I was Emo. I don’t want to be Emo. To me, Emo was a Stand up Comedian who had a really whiney voice and a scary disposition.

So I changed my Website, No more black and Red. I have started to evaluate my wardrobe and after the first of the year I believe I will be doing some cleaning in that department. I want to be Steve, not Goth, not Emo, not Punk, just Steve.

  1. Next thing you know, you will be a “Furry”.

    I expect a writeup on them tomorrow.

  2. I don’t know you, but I’ve heard a lot about you from Paul. I don’t care what he says, you’re not Emo. From what it sounds like you’re too cool to be Emo. Emo “people” are all freaks that are living off their mommy and daddy’s trust funds and what not. You have a job, you work for a living. You have a healthy Star Wars obsession. All is right with the world.

    Once I’m back up and walking around and able to travel, I look forward to meeting you. We can both rip on Paul and have a few drinks. It’ll be great!

    Have a great holiday…

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