Well, I just recently finished reading “Just a Geek” by Wil Wheaton. I have to say, it was pretty damn good. I bought it on Sunday and finished it Thursday evening, so you can see I read through it pretty quick. (I don’t read fast unless I really get into a book)
I had been reading Wil’s website for a while now, ever since my friend Arik told me about him. I have to say, I am almost ashamed to admit it, I was one of the “Kill Wesley” fan club. I was a big fan of trek and any episode with Wesley just annoyed me. The whole “Teenage Kid Saves the Galaxy again” thing bothered me in a storyline. Maybe it was that I was Jealous of him or truly hated him, I don’t know. When Arik called me up and said “Hey, I just got back from a party in SO-CAL where I hung out with Wil Wheaton, and he is a really cool guy!” I had to check it out for myself. It was at this point when I started reading his blog.
Well what do you know, Wil is a pretty cool guy. And it looks like he has/is going through the same sort of issues that plague us here in our normal lives. **GASP** Can that mean that he might actually be…….Normal? I know, I know, it’s sounds crazy, but it’s true. Well after a long while of putting it off, I finally bought Wil’s book “Just a Geek” where he chronicles his journey from Actor to Geek to Writer. This is one of those book that I felt I could really relate to. Granted, I was not a childhood star, and I have only had a website for maybe about 3 years, and I haven’t written anything longer than an in-depth weekend review for the blog. (not true, I have written many many things, but they are locked in a tower with a 4 eyed troll guarding them, and the troll has a +90 resist to everything, trust me) BUT…. I did grow up a drama geek, only to transform into a computer geek. There are many times that I miss acting, and I understood the difficulties Wil suffered with auditions. (It’s the same for Stage Wil!)
Long Story made short, The Book was good. He defiantly has come around as a good writer, and if I were anywhere near LA I think it would be awesome to see he and his troop perform live. He should look into some book signings in the DC area! I will have to go and get his first book “Dancing Barefoot” next.
P.S. No Furries were harmed in the making of this blog post
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