Christmas Time Yet again! And that means, here in DC, we get to Host a Great Big Tree and waste lots of electricity! Ahh, the American way of life. Tonight we took the chance to go down to downtown DC and see the National Christmas tree. Personally, I thought it would be bigger, But hey, I come from California where they have trees that need oxygen masks because they are so tall. Anyways, I had never seen the National tree, which is sad considering I have lived in the DC area for over 3 years now. So Amy, Paul and Myself waited until it was Dark (and late mind you, not to mention really cold) and headed down to witness the government sponsored Arbor-cide. Ok, I’m just kidding, I guess in light of recent events I have been a little humbug about Christmas this year.
The display was actually really nice. They had smaller Tree’s circling the larger one. The small trees, of course, were representing the 50 states. An extensive display of trains and tiny villages were set up around the base of the National tree, and at the very back of the display there was a HUGE bonfire with logs that reminded me of my Dad after thanksgiving dinner. (Ok that was gross, Sorry dad, and sorry everyone else for the visual.) Near the bonfire was a small Nativity scene, and off on the side standing by itself was a large Menorah.
Overall it was a nice display. I would have thought that the Govt. would have spent a little extra on the displays, I mean really, I have seen better displays on the front lawns in PG county, But a nice effort none the least. And most importantly, I got to see it with someone I really care about, Amy. I know it meant a lot to see that tree and it showed in her face.
I will be preparing to leave for my trip to Oregon on Tuesday. I am bringing the laptop with me so I might actually be able to Blog from there. We shall see of course. Merry Christmas all!