Almost There

Here is the Post from yesterday at SFO: (Sorry to be confusing with Times and Dates)

So I am in SFO now waiting at the little Shuttle terminal for smaller flights. Since I am taking a little Spit powered plane to Crescent City, they don’t fly out of the main terminal. This also means I am removed from Most of natural civilization. I did however, Manage to send off the Last big blog post. I am still not sure how I am going to send this one. I can defiantly tell that I am in a California Airport though, it’s Cali because a day old Caesar salad cost me 7 bucks and it’s an airport because the Chai that I got at Peet’s Coffee and Tea sucks ass. At least Starbucks is consistent. Well my flight here has been delayed so I am stuck here until 4:30 (was supposed to leave at 3:50.)

The Last two flights weren’t too bad, The VA to SD one was long, They played Elf and I-Robot (couldn’t they play something I haven’t seen??) It helped to pass the time though and I was thankful for that. The Seats were cramped and the woman with the Kid behind me almost let the kid crap his pants instead of taking him to the restroom. I just about turned around to explain the principle of “Recycled Air” when her husband said that he would do it. The SD to SFO flight was much better, I got to switch to a Exit Row which has super amounts of room. Even got to play with the GPS and clocked the plane at 480MPH. That was fun. Well, Next stop, Crescent City, then Brookings!

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