Meet little Stevie, Hello Stevie! Stevie likes to read, yes he does. One of Stevie’s Favorite things to read is the Internet. You see the Internet is filled with all sorts of fun and interesting things to read. There are news articles, stories, entertainment reviews, and Blogs. Can you say Blog? I knew that you could. A Blog is something like an online journal, and thousands of thousands of people have them all over the internet. That’s a lot of reading, isn’t it Stevie. There is only one problem with the internet, no it’s not Porn Stevie, that’s just silly talk.
The problem with the internet is Glamour Advertising. Do you know what that is? That’s when you go to a web site and over on the side, or top, or middle of the site there is a big advertisement that is just staring at you, screaming “LOOK AT ME AND BUY MY STUFF NOW YOU F%$# PIECE OF S&^%!!!!!” taking all the attention away from what your trying to look at. This makes little Stevie sad, poor Stevie
But there is something that can solve this problem. Do you know what that is? No, not throwing your PC through an advertising executives head causing severe bleeding and concussion, even though that would be fun. The answer is RSS. RSS is a format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites. If it can be broken down into an XML format, and what can’t, then it can be put into RSS. Using a program such as Sharpreader, little Stevie can read all of his Favorite News Sites and Blogs without all the Advertising and Banners. This makes little Stevie happy. Not to mention that the program can be set to check these sites automatically, so when there is a new article, Stevie knows about it instantly. So how do you know if a site has an RSS feed? EASY! Look for the logo, or even an
logo. Most sites will have a special link on the side to show that they are “Syndicated”.
You may ask yourself, “Self, what sort of sites does little Stevie read?” Go ahead, ask yourself that. I’ll wait. Hmmmm Hmmmm Hmmmm. That’s a good Question! Here is a big List of all of the Sites that Stevie reads, and all of them have RSS feeds.
That’s a pretty big list isn’t it? Let’s let Stevie get back to his reading, Good bye Stevie!