What to talk about when you have nothing to talk about.

Well, you talk about nothing really. Or about the fact that you’re pissed off with yourself because you spent too much money and are now worried about the rent check. [Sigh] I hate it when I feel this way. More over I hate it when I am broke. The only Solace I have is that I went through the ENTIRE Christmas time without putting anything on my Credit cards. For me, that’s huge! Trying desperately to get rid of all the past debt so I am trying hard not to use them at all, and Christmas was the big test. I passed, but at the cost of high stress when it comes to rent time and I look at my bank account with sweat pouring down my brow. I also realize the downfall of keeping all my banking online. See, I have cash, so Money is not an issue if I need emergency bread or such. The problem lies in that, if I bank online, the only way to deposit money is Direct Deposit, or Mail Deposit. Now, I am not going to be mailing any cash through the postal service. So how do I get the money I have to where I need it? [Sigh]

In Other news, I am starting to get into a funk. I have a bunch of things that I want to get accomplished, and I am lacking the motivation to do them. I have a new Idea for a video project, the desire to exercise, massive amounts of cleaning, I would like to redecorate but that involves money, of which I have none. (Anyone want to call TLC and book me on one of their shows?)

Speaking of News, I have noticed something about myself and current world events. I really don’t care much for them. I mean, I care when something bad happens, but I can’t really bring myself to sit and watch the news to find out what’s going on. If it’s that important, I am sure I will find out about it one way or another. Besides, the media really pisses me off. Honestly, how much video footage needs to be shown about a tsunami causing damage? Yes, it’s horrible, yes people lost their lives. But the actual tsunami lasted for how long? Maybe a few hours. Is there nothing else going on in the world? Oh, wait, I forgot.

There is always Scott Peterson, because that story hasn’t been beaten to death.

And if I get tired of that, I can always find a Bush Bashing channel.

So why bother? I love my TIVO now because I don’t have to watch any of it anymore. But the question is, which is better, Living in Denial or Living in Fear?


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