Weekend Time!

The weekend is finally here! Time to go out and….. Oh wait, still broke. Ok so maybe it’s time to just stay in and enjoy some time in front of the boob toob. I know one thing that’s planned for this weekend and that’s cleaning out the bedroom closet. Most of the junk in there is going to get trashed. (Unless it’s worth something, then it’s off to e-bay I go!)

I just got word that there is some nasty stomach virus spreading its way around work. Supposedly you get nauseous and vomit a lot and it’s very contagious and very icky, but hey, it only lasts 2-3 days. Thankfully I don’t feel ill and I tend to stay away from most of the people here. (My Job would be great if it weren’t for all the damn customers) Actually I love my job, even with the customers.

I Hope you Guys have a great weekend. I will be sitting at home watching re-runs of Sanford and Son Or poking my eyes out. Whichever is better.

  1. You should borrow Swingers. You are so money.

  2. Hurry up and go Buy Harold and Kumar, we can have a Party of it watching on your 46″

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