So I have spent a great deal of time helping to build Kensai’s own webspace. Kensai (or Lee) used to post on this blog for a while but I decided to go with a more personal focus, so I kicked him off (: But no worries, he now has his own site (hosted by me still) at . Took me a while, but once he nailed down what general theme and color scheme he was looking for, I think I built him a halfway decent site. Maybe I should do this for a side job?
Side note, the season premiere of 24 started last night. I am not sure how many of you out there watch this, but I have been hooked since season 1. Of course I think they are starting to stray from the reality line of thought. I mean, I had to suspend my disbelief last season when a chopper ride from Mexico to LA could be done (take off, flying, landing) within 15 min, but now to imagine the Secretary of Defense not running like a madman when shots are fired, not to mention secret service standing with no cover during a fire fight. I know for a fact that these guys would dive for cover and pick off shooters like geese. The show continues tonight, so we will see what happens.