I got a Call a few nights ago that my Dad had had another heart attack. (This makes about 5) He was in the Dr.’s office when it happened (what are the odds) and they rushed him down to Crescent city to the hospital there. They then realized that the heart expert was in Medford so they airlifted him there. That was about a week ago. Well I guess after running a few tests they found that his heart was blocked at about 90%. So he went in for a Triple By-Pass this morning at 8am Pacific Time, Theoretically. See, he also has potential Kidney failure, and for the tests they injected him with all this ink type stuff (what do I look like, a Dr.?) So that has to leave his system before the operation, then there is the medication he was on that thinned his blood, that has to be almost out of his system. [Sigh]
So all this is going on over on the West Coast, and here I am on the east coast. My son is staying over at my grandmothers while my parents are gone. I got the call about the surgery last night, which of course elevated my stress level to the point that the Gamers Tourettes came out in full force. I can’t do anything now except sit and wait.
Now I know that there are about 1000 things that my dad and I disagree on, and maybe 5 that we agree on. But he is still my Dad and it bugs me when this happens to him. Half of me wants to say “you know, It’s his fault, I told him not to eat that stuff he wasn’t supposed to.” The other Half wants to say “What sort of cruel creator would cause this much pain on the planet” then there is the other half that says “you dolt, your only supposed to have two half’s” All I can do is think positive thoughts, Send positive energy westward and hope that it comes out ok.