Ok, I made the mandatory nightly call to the mom to check on the dads status. She says he is doing ok, they have him up and moving and almost ready to be moved to his own room soon. He will still be in the hospital for a while but in a stable condition. That’s good. She will have to leave and go back to work soon. Except she got a call yesterday my Mom got a call about HER dad, (my Papa) and turns out that, while in his old person care giving place (once again proving I am not a Dr.), he has contracted Pneumonia and is in the hospital with that. (He is like 86 years old, so I am thinking this could be bad.)
So she is in Medford because my Dad needs her there. Her dad is in Crescent city. (That’s about 3 hours away.) So back to my Original question, WTF???
In Other, and completely un-related news (and in the hopes of getting my mind off all of this crapyness), I picked up Half Life 2 today at lunch and will be playing around with it tonight. We shall see if it’s as good as everyone on the planet says it is. Ok, so I don’t feel like writing too much more than this, maybe some later. (like we haven’t all heard that before)
Steve, man – it sounds like you’re having the kind of January that makes my November seem tame.
Keep your head up, things will get better… and don’t let Frederiksen harass you too much, the kid’s a little punk. 🙂