Playing Hooky

So here it is, almost midnight Thursday night, and I am no where near tired. It donned on me that I hadn’t posted all day. That’s what happens when I am not at work and have a PC in front of me through out the day. Actually, today I didn’t play hooky at all, we got the day off for the Presidential Inauguration. I suppose it would have been cool to go down to DC and see all the hoopla, but to be honest, the thought of crowding around thousands of people and stand out in the cold to see the President from about 10,000 meters away didn’t sound appealing. Yes, it’s one of those once in a lifetime things, (assuming your lifespan is about 3.9 years) but I found that there were better things to spend my time on. Like spending time with Amy.

Now, tomorrow is a different story. I figured, I had Monday off. I went to work Tuesday and Wednesday. I get Thursday off, why not make it a four day weekend and enjoy it. So I took Friday off as well. Sadly, Amy is going into work so it’s just me here all alone, but that will give me the chance to finish up my “Minimalizing” process. I think I will attack the outside shed and back patio tomorrow. This way I have more storage space to clean out the den with.

Things in Oregon are going as expected. My Mother is getting stressed out dealing with all of the preparations for my grandfather’s memorial. I heard that they read the post that I wrote about the rock and have decided to read it at the service. From what I understand, I have a tendency to make people cry when they read this blog. Who knew! (: and here I am just trying to write out what I am feeling and experiencing in my life.

One thing I have noticed is that the 24th is creeping up. What is the 24th you ask? Why, one year ago on the 24th is would be the first day that I actually posted a “Blog” type post to the net. I know this is going to sound silly, but when I did it, I had no real idea about what a blog was and how many people were using them. I just wanted to start an online journal because I knew I was going to be facing a lot of challenges. Since that day I have, Gotten Divorced, Exited the Military, Moved to a new apartment by myself, Joined the 501st, Got a new job that I love, Traveled to Vegas, established a net domain, Started dating, Experienced numerous hardships, experienced just as many joys, and brought it all to you via this medium. I am like my own HBO Mini-series!

One of the whole reasons I started up the Blog was so that I wouldn’t have to constantly explain what was going on in my life to so many different people. You know how, when something big happens, you have this great story that goes with it and you enjoy telling it. That is, until you end up telling it for the 5th time to someone. Now, when something happens, I post about it and when people ask me, I just say “Check out my Blog!” As a matter of fact, most people have stopped asking me and just start talking about what happened. It always makes me happy when someone contacts me and quotes something from the site.

Well it’s getting late and I am just starting to ramble now. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Who knows what I may write about when I get tired and just start running on. Whoops, it’s after midnight now, guess this just became the first post for Friday.

Happy Friday All!

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