Story Time!

Ok, I noticed that a bunch of the blogging crew (seems everyone has one now) have been writing about significant memories. Seeing as how I rarely want to be left out, I thought I would bring to you this little story. I wrote this a few days after the September 11th attack. Some of you know that I was in the Pentagon at the time. This happened while Heather and I were still married, and I was still in the military. In case you were wondering, I did speak to a counselor after the incident and I was suffering from a bout of Survivors guilt, but I have since overcome that. A very Wise person explained to me that fate works in mysterious ways, and if I were meant to survive the way I did, then I should be content and give thanks for what I have.

Once again, this was written just a few days after September 11th 2001. This Story is entirely un-edited or revised. This is how I wrote it over 3 years ago.

I thought I would write this down to let you know what Happened. Tuesday I went to work for a very normal day. The morning went fairly normal and standard. Then we saw then news about the WTC. At first I thought that it was just a terrible accident. My friends Doug and I left the office and headed to the ATM to get some money for Breakfast. While waiting for the ATM to open someone came by and said that a Second Plane struck the WTC. I started to realize that this was odd. But I have a great amount of faith in my Military and knew that the investigation had already started. To me at the time it was still just a CNN image. Doug and I got our food, bagel, bag of chips, and an Iced Tea, and came back into the office to watch the report. I finished my Bagel and sat down at the Internet computer. 9:43; I heard a Noise that sounded like a Generator starting up. For a split second, because of the thought of terrorism on TV, I thought Could it? Nahh, this is the Pentagon. So I started to send Heather a Text message to her Cell phone. “2 Planes hit World Trade Center. Turn on CNN”.

I logged off and Sat at my desk. Started eating my chips and decided to call my Friend at Clarendon (another building nearby). I picked up the Phone and Hit the speed dial Button, but noticed the Numbers on the phone were all wrong. When I hung up to call again, someone came in a said “get out” Having My Tea and chips still in my hand I ran for the door. The thoughts going through my mind were “This is just a standard Precaution, Just Routine” I exited the Pentagon through the 8th Corridor Exit to North Parking. Walking out of the Building I started to realize the Magnitude. I looked over my shoulder and stared at the Black Plume and Flames coming from the building I was just sitting in. I moved with my co-workers to the middle of North Parking and we started to keep lookout for others from our area. We sat and watched. The only thoughts going through my mind were of somehow getting a hold of Heather and telling her that I am ok. I thought “I just told her to look at CNN and she will see this”. It was soon after that someone came with reports of another plane.

I ran.

With others from my office in front we ran to the end of the parking lot. We saw a Van with some people we knew and got in. They drove us to the Vienna Metro Station, which is on the west side of DC. I live on the East side. In the Van I was loaned 2 Cell phones. One was calling heather’s Cell, the other calling my parents. The Cell network was swamped. I got through to my Mom First. When she answered the phone, I knew the emotion going on in her head. I said “I’m Ok. I made it out ok” The relief I heard from her was overwhelming as she said “thank you” We hung up quickly so that others could do the same. I still tried desperately to reach heather. I boarded the Metro at about 11:20. We started out eastward Back through Washington DC. Every now and then I would ask someone for the use of their cell phone. One of the Calls I was able to get through to Heather’s Voice Mail and I left a Message on the home phone saying, “I’m Ok, I am on my way home” But I still had not talked with her directly. After leaving the Pentagon, I heard nothing else about what was going on. I didn’t know if she had been evacuated or hit.

Every time the train stopped when not in a station I had fears, my heart leapt. I had visions of Japan attacks on the subway. On top of everything else, I had to Pee. Bad. I reached the Stadium Armory Station, The sop to change to the Blue line that would take me home. I saw Train right after train come through. Leaving Stadium Armory the trains come above ground for a moment. I borrowed another cell phone and called Heather. I got through. I told her I was ok and that I loved her. She said she loved me. And I lost signal as the train went underground. It was 12:30. I got to Addison Road and went across the street to a Barber shop to use the restroom. I would like to say that on any other day I would have done my best to make it home before going into there because of the neighborhood I lived in. I was in Uniform and for one of the first times since living here, I saw no hate on anyone’s face, I didn’t see a Hispanic person or an African person. I saw an American person. Concern painted on everyone’s face. I got a ride home from another Military person and borrowed the key to my house from my neighbor. My keys were still in the pentagon. Everything was there. I didn’t even have my hat.

I had 13 messages on my machine. So many people Called to hear from me. So many people cared. I finally talked with Heather. She was locked down on Bolling AFB and couldn’t come home. A fellow military member invited her to their home. I went about calling everyone who took the time to call me. Heather got home at 5:30. Tuesday evening I went back to the Pentagon to retrieve my things. I walked in and there was a thin layer of smoke in every room and hallway. I could smell the burning. It sickened me. I was smelling the Burning remains of my Military Brothers and sisters. I got my stuff and got out. Heather and I went home and I showered. I went to sleep, and thankfully, didn’t dream.

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