Sky Captain and the World of Pain

This weekend was another blah weekend, I was sick so I really didn’t feel like doing much of anything. Saturday was spent mostly playing World of Warcraft. Have to say, this is one of the Best MMORPG’s on the market right now. Very stable, very well populated, and very very entertaining. I think I will probably write up something more about it later this week.

Since Saturday was kind of a lazy around the house sort of day, we decided to try and get out on Sunday. Of course that didn’t last long, as I started feeling sick again. While out, we stopped by Wal-Mart and picked up “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” and the curled up on the couch to watch it.

This was a good Flick. Very “Film Noir” style of filming with a 30’s sci-fi theme to it. The cinematography was amazing and the special effects were awesome! The acting was good, not great, but good. Overall I would recommend it out to people. On a completely side note I would like to ask a question about the DVD I purchased. On the front of the DVD case it said “Special Collectors Edition.” In and of itself that’s not bad. What was bad is that 1: This was the only version available for sale, and 2: There was nothing special about it. It was just like any other DVD with some extra features. I know it’s just some marketing ploy to sell more DVD’s because they are the “Special Edition”. My Question is, what will they call it when they, inevitably, release the real Special Edition. They always do that with these movies. The initial release comes out and then a few months later the special one with all the cool stuff comes out.

So anyways, that was the highlight of Sunday. The down side came in about 2pm when I started to get a headache. This, of course, turned in to a full blown migraine by around 4:30ish. After a 30 min shower I finally gave up and turned off all the lights in the house and curled up in bed. I don’t think I can adequately explain how much having a migraine hurts. You literally want to pull your head off and smash it against the wall because that would probably hurt less.

And of course this is the time when my entire family wants to call me and chat, or ask questions. My head hurt so much, the Light from the Cell Phone sent stabbing pains through my brain and the ringer was louder than if I pressed my ear against the bells of Big Ben. I really hope I am feeling better this coming weekend, I have far too much to do.

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