What a day it has been. You have probably noticed that all day today the website has been down. Well it turns out that, my Old host, V3, still had control of the domain www.wizzer.org and that Blue host was just the Space host. Well, my year expired with V3 so they shut down the Domain. I thought that BlueHost had transferred everything, but it turns out that they did not. So I have spent all day E-mailing and Calling between the two to get it all worked out. Hopefully it’s taken care of and in a few hours the DNS will propagate and we will be back to normal.
This Comes on top of the latest news of my Taxes. Turns out when I went to do my taxes for 2004, they are saying I owe like $2k. I was like, “Excuse me?” Yeah well, it’s true. What happened was that on my W4 I was still listed as Married. So I wasn’t withholding enough. Because you know, what I really need is another bill.
Want some more bad news? The thing I have been hinting about for the last month has come to fruition. Amy went back to TX. She has a ton of stuff that she has to deal with back there and we weren’t sure how long it would take to deal with all of it. So we bought her a one way ticket and she left yesterday. I tried so hard to be the rock and convince myself that, logically this was the best course of action. In the end though, it killed me to watch her leave. We decided to keep the information off the blog until after she arrived in TX because didn’t want all the questions. She is planning on coming back as soon as her affairs are in order, and I hope it’s soon. I know she is gone for a good reason, but damnit, I miss her.
I have some other things to write about but for now I am going to wrap it up and head home. With all the crap that went on today, I am gonna take a break.