What a week! It has been nothing but crazy in the world of Wizzer this week. (Of course, when is it not crazy?) With Farpoint last weekend, Lee in town, Valentines Day Monday, Amy’s Last night on Tues, Her leaving on Wed, My Tax info, The Website crashing……. Can I take a Break? NOPE!!! Well sort of, it’s a three day weekend so I get to kind of relax for a while. I have no plans and will probably sit around the house moping in my sweatpants.
I did get some good news, I will be attending a MCSE boot camp here in the DC area come March 13th. What does that mean? Well, for 13 days I will have 6 Giant books of information pounded into my brain. They said classes start at 8am and go until as late as 9pm. Needless to say I don’t know how much I will be able to post during those days. But it’s defiantly good for my career. Thusly, (such a fun word to use) I become one of the primary Windows guys in the shop.
It donned on me that I didn’t write much about Amy’s last night here! I had to work, of course, and didn’t get home till around 5ish. Once I did we changed clothes and headed to H&R Block to get Taxes done. That’s when I found out the GREAT news about my Taxes. Amy got her stuff taken care of and we got back in the truck, but instead of driving home, we drove out to Alexandria. Amy had no Idea where we were going. I stopped and parked just off of N. Glebe Rd (Yet another great word!) She was still baffled on where we were and what we were doing. She didn’t know until we walked into the restaurant that I was taking her to “The Melting Pot.” If you have never gone there I HIGHLY Suggest it. The place is phenomenal. They start you out with a Cheese fondu, then a salad, then your entrée is different types of meats that you cook in the fondu pot that has different oils and spices. After that you get a chocolate fondu with fruits and cakes to dip in it. It was truly amazing.
Back to the weekend at hand. I have a funny feeling that I am just going to be lounging around the house playing World of Warcraft. I have to say, the game is great. I didn’t get a chance to play much at all this last weekend and Mon-Tues, so I got a great XP multiplier . You see WoW has a cool system that if you “rest” and logout, when you come back in you get 200% XP. The time that you get to keep that is directly related to the time you spent logged out. Well I was logged out for 4 days. So I got 2 good evenings of 200%. It was great! I know Lee has been sick lately and not been in game so I imagine that he will do quite well with that bonus. I also need to clean up. Haven’t done much of that since Amy left. I will try and post during the weekend. Have a great Friday people!