Phase I

This was pretty much a weekend of nothingness. Before Amy left we sat and watched an Episode of Friends. This was the one where Chandler was going through his Split up Phases. Phase 1 was the sit around the house in your sweats and mope. Phase 2 Involved going out with the guys, and Phase 3 was seeing yourself with other women. While I realize that Amy and I are not broken up (and no plans to that I know of), we figured that I would just be in Phase 1 and 2 while she was gone. Well this weekend was completely Phase 1. I didn’t even step out of the house on Saturday.

What I did do was play a lot of World of Warcraft. And I mean a lot. I think my character was level 26 on Friday and I am now ¼ to 30. I have to say, now that I am getting to a decent enough level, the PVP Aspect of the game is great. It would seem that 30 is the average level for most of the characters running around so it makes it a little more dangerous when you are trying to finish your quests. Being a rogue helps a lot with this as I can stealth my way through a lot. And Oh the Ganking! As a rogue I can stealth and most of the Players can’t see me, Unless 1: They are Higher level than me and 2: They are right near me. So this allows me to sit on the side of the road and wait for people to run by. As they do this I can asses their level and skill. If I think I can take them, I step out and Slaughter them. The true rogue way. Is it mean? Well yeah, but that’s what Rogues do.

Sunday I did manage to get some cleaning of the house and dishes and laundry done. I played a lot again, but did it in a little better moderation. I Stopped by the Mall with Paul and just walked around. It was nice to get out and do something. We were planning on hitting the movie Constantine, but never got around to it.

Monday was a holiday, so I got the day off. It was nice to relax, cause you know I didn’t do any of that this weekend. Heh, Ok so actually Paul and I headed out to look at Sofa’s. I guess he is getting tired of the Futon he has. So we headed out to a few furniture stores to see what they had. I think he found one he likes so I imagine he will want to borrow the truck. While we were out we stopped by Guitar Center (one of Paul’s favorite places.) He went about checking the guitar stuff, and I headed straight back to the drums and percussion section. Maybe now would be a good time to mention that I love drumming. While I don’t actually know how to play a full drum set, I do, however, play the doumbek. It’s a Middle Eastern hand drum. They had a great variety of hand drums back there so I was looking over them when I saw this little electronic beauty. The Roland HPD-15 HandSonic Percussion Controller. For a guy that likes to play hand drums, it was amazing. It could simulate almost all hand drums and more. I tell you I was in love! Paul had to pry me away from it so we could leave. If I had a spare thousand bucks to drop on something like this, I probably would.

After guitar center, and my love affair with a drum machine, (ok, now that just sounds perverted), we headed to Borders Books. Paul started look at the cooking books while I jumped in line to grab a Chai. While standing in line I take note of the people sitting over in the sitting area (that’s what you do over there I hear.) One of them is this kid with his HP laptop sitting fairly close to the wall. He had his power Supply plugged in and it was run across the floor, but the area was very narrow and no in anyone’s way. Anyway, Some Jacka$$ decided to try and squeeze through that area and trips over the cord yanking it out of the laptop, then proceeds to yell at the kid for draping it there screaming for a manager, claiming that “he used to be a safety officer and that sort of thing is illegal!” Call me kooky, but if I were a safety officer, I would know not to try and squeeze through an area when a perfectly open area is available, and 2: I would watch where I was walking. People like this steam me. He was probably hoping to Sue the kid or even the store. If I were that Kid I would have probably been very Irate, his power supply is probably borked now because of this idiot.

After borders we headed home and I did some more laundry. About 20 min later, probably more, but I wasn’t paying attention and time has no real meaning to me,) I get an IM from Paul saying how Glorious the new grocery store “Wegmans” is. Now, he knew I needed to go to the store, and had wanted to see Wegmans, so I talked him into going back. (Actually he talked me into it). All I have to say is, WOW. Wegmans is truly glorious! It is the Utopia of Grocery Stores! Shopping carts descend upon you from the heavens, a Choir Sings to you hymns, of lettuce and cantaloupe, Jesus himself Pops out of one of the Isles and says “try the Lamb!” I never thought I could get so excited over a grocery store, (and I am probably a little too excited, but hey what are you going to do, no really, what are you going to do, put that knife down, hey now, it’s just a store, stop!!! Oh wait, I was writing here….) I can’t even really describe it enough, that’s one of those things you will need to experience.

I came home from the epiphany that is Wegmans, to eat my, newly bought, grilled shrimp, cooked on my Forman grill. I proceeded to get ready to watch my favorite show, 24. Jack Bauer is the Bomb! And I think we have decided that there is no definitive plot line in 24, it’s a Plot net. It’s so intertwined it just craziness! Also learned, things you don’t say to Jack Bauer: “I think your bluffing.”

After 24 I logged into WoW for just a little while, managed to take out a Level 29 Rogue who came to visit Horde territory. I love this game.

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