I Gotta Get Out of here

Ok, 2 weekends now gone by and I haven’t done squat! I mean, I went to Marc and Lori’s place for the Saturday meeting. It was a good meeting, and it was great to see everyone there, but I was lonely. For the first time since she has left I really missed having her there. I know I miss her all the time anyways, but, I could really feel her absence at the meeting.

Once the meeting was over, we partied a little bit, but I started getting tired so I headed home. The rest of the weekend was pretty much a wash. I gamed a lot (again). And I did manage to clean house a bit. I never really left the house much though. I really really need to get out of the house and do something. I don’t want to spend any money. I have been trying to save money since the whole Tax thing.

I am still trying to sort out the whole Tax thing too. See, here is my problem, and maybe some of you Tax Wizards out there can help me. I was officially married through September of last year. So my W4 form reflected that I was withholding at a rate of 1 with a status of Married. So my Withholdings were at a married rate. But since I was divorced before the end of the year, they want me to file as single. Ok, I can understand that. But what about all the time where I was withholding as a married guy? Thus the reason they want me to Pay 2 grand. So in a word, HELP!

So, in light of all this, I need to find a way to get out of the house and enjoy some me time, without spending a bunch of money. Things like Movies, or Museum would be fine, because most of them are a minimal amount of money. But things like going out and drinking, clubbing, and strippers are way out. I suppose I could get wrapped up in work, I have tons of that to do. I guess we’ll see what happens, but if I don’t get out and do something soon, I am gonna go Stir Crazy!


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