I Said No Almonds!!!

Ok, Rant time. (hey, it’s been a while since I have had one of these.) I just got back from lunch at Applebee’s. I HATE when I order something and it comes out screwed up. Here is what happened. We get there and I start looking at the menu. I am not in the mood for a salad, but yet not in the mood for a sandwich or chicken strips. Nor am I interested in a full blown meal. So I see this Wrap that looks somewhat appealing. Problem is, it’s got almonds in it. While I am not allergic to almonds, and I don’t necessarily despise almonds, I don’t really like them and didn’t want to eat them. (If it were pecans, which would be a different story, those should be abolished buy the supreme order of crap that tastes crappy no matter what crappy way it’s prepared!)

The waiter comes by and gets us our drinks, I order a Pepsi. (yes, a regular Pepsi, it’s been a long day.) He asks me what I want and I say

“I think I will have the Oriental Chicken Roll Up, but I see that has almonds in it, can I get it with no almonds?”

He responds with a cheery “Sure, that will be no problem” while inside I am sure he is saying “Great so he wants me to hand pick put every freaking almond in the whole gawd damn thing”

So he runs off along his merry way and about 10 minutes later he comes out with out food. Now, I saw in the picture on the menu, this nice little wrapped up salady looking “Rollup,” what I got was a salad that looked like they threw a tortilla on top of it. Worst of all, it had almonds in it. Not just a few almonds, it’s almost as if it had extra almonds in it.


Now, it was lunch time and I didn’t really want to spend 3 hours in an Applebee’s waiting for them to re-do my “rollup” so I just trudged along and ate my freaking almonds. When the waiter made his mandatory “Lets wait until he has a mouth full of food and then stop by and ask how everything is going,” I made it a point to say how there were a lot of almonds in it.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I asked them to not put any in.” He tried to say sincerely “Would you like me to have it re-made” (and I could swear I heard him say under his breath “Which I will have them take 45 minutes to do”)

“No, It’s fine” I said with a grimace on my face as I bit into another almond.

I managed to keep the wrap shape form together for the first half of the meal, but looking at the second half, I just gave up. I proceeded to rip up the tortilla and sprinkle it on top to eat it just like a normal salad. I was so tempted to start having an “Allergic” reaction to them and cause a great big scene, but I guess I am too much of a whuss for that. I am thinking about starting a personal Boycott of any of the Applebee’s/Denny’s/TGI-Friday/Chilies Type restaurants as I just don’t think they care anymore. When you go to a small “Ma and Pa” place, they tend to take care of their customers a little better. Their business really depends on you and your reviews. These other places have a big corporation behind them and if you don’t come back, it’s no big deal to them.


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