A Smattering of Stuff

Ok, So I realize that I haven’t posted in about a week. Two things about this, 1: I really haven’t had anything super worth while to post about, and 2: I haven’t been in much of a writing mood. It happens.

Well, I do have a few things to talk about so let’s get into it eh?

Most of you know I am an avid reader of Wil Wheaton’s blog. I have been reading it for quite a long time now and I love the way he writes. I have bought one of his books and have been searching for the other. Recently he was selected to appear on CSI as a homeless guy and a suspect. Wil wrote in great depth the work he poured into his character and all the nuances of his homeless persona. I watched CSI last night and I have to say this……. I really thought he would have more than 5 lines. He was maybe in about 2 scenes where he was speaking. I think he did a great job, just thought he would have a larger role. I can’t really say much, Stephen Baldwin was also a suspect and his role was just as big. None the less, Great job Wil!

Also last night, the New theatrical trailer for Revenge of the Sith, the new Star Wars Movie. This played right after the OC on FOX, so I pretty much just left the TV on FOX and played some WoW until I heard the trailer start. I was getting some serious goose bumps! The trailer was awesome! At least, what I got to see of it….. Turns out that the CSI Episode that I was planning on watching started at 9pm, well Tivo wanted to change the channel from FOX at exactly 9pm. I was hoping that the trailer would be finished by then. It wasn’t. So while I was scrambling with remotes and the bedroom TV, I missed the ending of the trailer. I was bummed. Thankfully, the trailer has been uploaded to about a thousand different sites today so I was able to download it and watch it. The nice thing about a QuickTime version of the trailer is that you can use the arrow keys to actually step through the whole thing almost frame by frame.

On to other things. This weekend is one of my last of freedom. I start my MCSE class on Monday and from what I understand I will be crazy busy with the class. Good chance that I won’t be posting much but we will see. I know Paul is already asking if I am going to go out and I may actually do that this weekend. I need to get out and do Stuff (as I have been saying for the past 3 weeks) so Why not? If I get a chance I will update on Sunday about the weekend, I will probably be too busy on Monday.

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