2 down 5 to go!

So here I am on day 4 of the MCSE Bootcamp. I finally got a chance to sit and write. Ok so let me fill you in on the last few days. (and sorry for no pictures in the blog, it’s not as easy to do remotely)

So Monday I left for the class and was feeling great, I had a good night of sleep and was ready to go. That is, I was ready to go until about noonish, and in the middle of the class. That would be the point where my Anxiety kicked into overdrive. I suddenly felt like I completely didn’t belong there. Seriously, I was freaking out. I hope none of you ever have to feel like that. The first lecture was on Windows XP and the test would be on Tuesday. By Tuesday I was a nervous wreak. Almost everyone I talked to was giving me all of the best encouragement in the world, but for some reason I just couldn’t convince myself that I was good enough. I finally broke down and talked with my instructor. He explained to me that he had seen tons of people come through with the same sort of feelings. and based on what he had seen of me and what I know, he was certain that I would pass.

I Took my test and scored 936 out of 1000

Needless to say, I felt better.

The days are very very long. I get up at around 6am and leave the house by 6:30. I usually get to the metro station by around 7am and to the class location by 7:30. From there we study and prep until around 8 or 9pm. By this time I am pretty brain dead and it’s time to go home. Of course I get home and crawl into bed to start the whole process over again.

The Second exam was about 8 times harder than the first one. This was Windows Server 2003 and it was tough, really tough. I finally got myself to the point of believing in myself that I was ready and went in.

Well, lets just say, I passed. Score was not as good as the last score, but a pass is a pass, right?

We finally get a break after that last test to decompress and breath. The next thing we go over is Security. From what I hear it’s a little easier to study for. We start lecture in just a bit.

So that’s been my week so far. No WoW, no Clubbing, no Concerts. For the next 8 1/2 days I am cramming windows propaganda into my skull through a thin funnel.

Don’t forget to send a little extra Mojo my way!

  1. Your Uncle....

    Hang in there…We know you can do it. Before you know it you can get all of our systems running the way they should be…for free!! LOL

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