Mid week on my first week back from class and I have already started putting my newfound knowledge to work. It feels good when you tackle a problem and think to yourself “Hey, I know how to do this now!” Defiantly gives me a warm fuzzy.
The Home life is also starting to get back to normal. I still need to clean like I always have. The Den still torments me. I think Charlie is starting to not be as pissed of at me as he was when I was in class. Charlie is my cat BTW. Since I was in class for so long, I would come home and go right to bed. He was feeling very lonely and made a point of letting me know about it. I swear he is one of the most vocal cats I have ever seen! Right when I get home it’s a 5 min speech from him about how he was home all alone and had no one to pet him. Apparently he is a very tortured kitty to not have someone around 24/7 to pay attention to him.
Good News on the Amy front. She comes home next Tues! She arrives at 9:30pm on the 5th of April. We both are very excited that she is coming home and I know she is ready to start working on the rest of her life now. She will make it back just in time for the Upcoming Book signing as well! No, not my book of course, but the Episode III book. The Author will be in Arlington VA doing a signing and we, as the 501st, were invited to Troop the event!
In the mean time I have gotten back to filling my spare time with Gaming, and have even started reading again. While in class I finished the Timothy Zahn book “Heir to the Empire” and am working on the Second book in that series “Dark Force Rising.” Both have been excellent reads so far. I am also back to my problem I had before class, I need to get out more. Money limitations are still upon me, but I need to spend some more time away from home.
I think I have decided that my one and only real vacation this year will be to Celebration III in Indiana. It starts on April 21st and goes through the weekend. I will have probably just enough money to do that as long as I don’t go crazy and buy myself a speeder bike or something. We’ll see how the week plays out.