What the hell is wrong with what I am doing with my own life? The past few weeks I have had more than anyone’s share of arguments with friends who claim they are looking out for my best interests. Let me explain….
I am in love with Amy. But Amy is not without faults. She has been through hell and back with her past relationships and is dealing with the repercussions of that now. She is now trying to pursue a life of her own and learn to love herself and others all over again. It’s not an easy path for anyone to take and there have been plenty of bumps in the road that I know have cause more stress in her life than I think anyone is prepared to face. But she faced it and has continued to move forward even when I know that she didn’t want to.
Now I am facing the stress of all of my friends telling me how they believe that Amy is wrong for me and that she is only doing certain things so that I will stay with her. I have heard no other arguments outside of this “Well we think she is manipulating you.”
Ok, First off, I can guarantee that I am not doing anything outside of what I would normally do for anyone that I cared about. And Secondly, You show me any relationship where one member doesn’t do something that could be considered manipulation towards the other member. That’s called being in a relationship, and if anything I am just as guilty of it as her. You think it was easy to get her into a White vinyl miniskirt for the first time?
Why can’t people just accept that I Love her and accept that she is trying her best to fix the problems she has had in the past. Not to mention the fact that you claim to be looking out for my happiness and well being. Did it ever occur to you to ask me if I was happy now? Being with Amy has made me happier than I have been in a long time. I accept her with her faults and Praise her for her accomplishments, Much as she does for me. Have there been times where I have been un-happy? Yeah, but that’s another part of being in a relationship. The Nice part of this one is that the amount of time I have been happy outweighs the un-happiness.
I love my friends dearly, and I do appreciate their input into my life and I value that they have my best interests at heart. But…… Saying that she is Manipulating me doesn’t cut it. If she were cheating on me, If she were stealing from me, forcing me to do harmful things against my will, cutting me off from my friends, any of those, Then I could see justification for being upset with her. Instead you berate me for doing the same thing I would do for each and every one of you if you were in her situation.
Giver her a chance to get over her past and build her new life. Give me a chance to be happy with someone I really love. You know, if you actually take a chance to get to know her, you might see that she is a great person with a good heart. It’s just been a bit bruised up. Give it a chance to heal before you pound on it more.
Dude i understand completely man… i hope your doing well with Amy and as far as i say… do you what you want because thats your choice… if you love Amy and Amy loves you then whats the big friggin deal.