Stevie Sleepy

Well, Amy arrived last night. Her flight was originally supposed to land at 9:30pm at BWI Airport, which is about 1 hour away. Sadly, there was a huge hailstorm in Dallas last night which caused a little bit of a delay, about 2 hours worth of a delay. So her flight was then due it at 11:44pm. I left the house at around 10:30 and beat feet to make sure I would be there in time. She looked stunning as always walking out of the arrivals gate. We walked down to wait for her bags at baggage claim 7.

And Waited

And Waited.

I began asking people around us what flight they were waiting for. A few said the same flight as Amy, but the others were for flights that arrived much after hers. So it was off to the baggage counter we went. Turns out that hers was not the only bag this happened to. There was another flight due in that would have the bags on it, but that was at 12:50. So we opted to have them drive the hour to deliver the bags.

Of course, this happened at 7am this morning! Anyways, she is in and happy to be back. She already has a number of plans for the day, I just hope she has enough rest to do them. (She hasn’t been feeling well).

In Other news, the book signing is tomorrow! I sure hope I can fit back into my cummerbund. During that MCSE class I think I put on a few extra pounds due to sitting around way too much and eating crappy food. Looks like it may be time to start hitting the Gym again.

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