So Friday You may have noticed that I didn’t post. Yeah, so that’s cause I was sick as a dog. Apparently Amy came back with some hybrid strain of Texas style strep throat that just about killed me on Friday. I felt like road kill that had been eaten by a rabid family of West Virginians, then pooped out and eaten by zombie hyenas which were then hit and left for dead (mostly dead) on an Arizona freeway. Really, I felt that bad. I spent most of Friday sleeping.
Of course that meant that Saturday I was awake by like 6am. This ended up being a good thing as I got a lot accomplished on Saturday. I did some gaming, Cleaning up the house (with Amy’s help of course), and we even went for a nice drive. Amy needed to map out where she was having an interview for a new job.
We also went to see Sin City on Saturday night. All I got to say is WOW! That movie was amazing! I Love comic books, and if there was ever a movie that was so blatantly based and designed around a comic book, this is it. When it first started out, I was listening to the dialog and was taken aback a bit because it was kind of campy, but, once I realized the mood they were setting it all made sense and turned out great. The only regret I have about this movie is that I never really read any of the comics for it before the film. What I have seen though holds very close to the movie. Go See this Movie, Now!
Sunday was another lazy day for me, I did manage to sleep in a little and we got out for a little bit of a walk. The weather was absolutely beautiful. So we opened all the windows in the place. Amy and I curled up on the couch and had a Matrix-a-thon. We managed to make it through “The Animatrix: Second Renaissance Parts 1 and 2” “The Matrix” “The Animatrix: Final Flight of the Osiris” “The Animatrix: Kids Story” and “Matrix reloaded.” After that it was getting late and we needed a break. We might try and watch the last movie tonight.
By The way, the reason for the Title of “Fox News Alert.” Apparently on Paul’s blog he made a post that had that in the title and for a while his Post for that thread was like the 3rd most hit site for the search term Fox News Alert on Google. So this is an experiment.
Oh, I also got my I-Pod! Apparently since I spent 11 days Straight in MCSE Hell, they gave me a free I-Pod Mini. It’s got 4 GB of space, of which I have only filled it with 2.7 GB of stuff. I have a lot of Songs, I just don’t want to carry all of them with me all the time.
Well, Back to work for me!