Well Here I am after my First official Major League Baseball game. Actually to be specific, it’s The First Major League Game to be played in DC in 34 years. Yeah I know about the last game I was at, but see that was just Practice. This one was Official Home Opener! It was amazing! We got there around 5pm (Game started at 7pm) and it’s a good thing we did. There was a lot to see, and just getting through Security was easy. From what I heard, around 6pm there was a huge line and some people didn’t get in until after the 2nd inning!

So many Pre-Game events! There were lots of Video tributes to the old DC Senators (The team that used to play for DC until 34 years ago) and they even had some of the old Senators Team Members come out onto the field and take their old positions. Then they had the New DC Nationals come out and “relieve” the Senators. It looked very emotional. I can imagine that if I was an old ball player that it would be amazing to go out and take my position one last time and sort of “Hand Down the Torch” to the new players.

We also got to see President Bush throw out the First Pitch. There was secret service everywhere of course and they really did a Rush job of getting him out, tossing the ball and then running him off the field. The cool thing about this (cause you know, having the President throw out the pitch just isn’t cool enough) is that the ball that he threw out was the very last ball to be used in a game for the Senators 34 years ago. So that was the last ball in play then and the first ball in play now.

The Local Area National Guard was brought out for the National anthem and the unfurled the largest flag I have ever seen in my life. You know, all the times I have heard the National anthem, I had always done the little “Play Ball” thing in my head afterwards, but I have to say, Being in a Full stadium of baseball fans, and watching this enormous flag waving out across the field, there is just more meaning to it. It was a really amazing feeling. While I am not really a die hard sports fan, I could really enjoy a good baseball game.

The game itself was great! The enthusiasm of the crowd really felt like it was giving the players a little extra steam, they played phenomenally. We even got to see a home run hit straight towards us! We were pretty high in the stand so the guy would have to really crank it to get it up towards us. The Crowds reactions really made the game that much more entertaining! When Castilla hit the home run everyone went wild, and when he came back up to bat and the pitcher hit him with the ball the crowd went nuts! That’s just something you don’t get watching the game on TV.

So with that excitement over I move into what looks to be a very busy weekend. Saturday we will see the Premier of the Fan Film “Revelations” which was produced by some 501st friends. This is going to be at the Senator Theater near Baltimore. Amy and I will get there around 4pm to help out. Of course I will be decked out in my Biker gear to provide Ambiance. Not sure the plans for after the film, guess we will just ride the winds and see where they take us.

Sunday early morning (for me 9am is early morning on a Sunday) Lee will be coming into town. He has an interview with one of his dream jobs in DC on Monday, so we will head out there to scout it out and then go and tramp around Downtown DC to see the sights. Should be fun and it will be a great way to get out and see something different!

Tonight I think I will partake in a little gaming frenzy. I have been so busy the last few days, I haven’t fed the addiction much. So lets break out the cheetos and the Mt. Dew!

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