Holy Cow, I missed a day!

What was I thinking! I didn’t even get the chance to go over what all happened this last weekend! Silly me. So where did I leave off? (/me looks down one post) Oh yeah, well lets start with Friday night. I actually got some gaming in. I met up with some of the guys and played some More Matrix Online. I am still not entirely sold on the game. The way I see it, there are a LOT of improvements that can be made. Once again, it has Great Potential. I would just like to see it live up to that potential. The game playing on Friday turned out to be really good. I was able to level up my newb character to level 10 (where I get Hyper Jump! I get to be Superman and leap over tall buildings! Ok maybe not tall buildings, more like mediocre high-rises.) I also got to play with some of the new Crimson Gamers guys, like Illugen, Interceptor, and Svirflin. It almost feels like SWG again with the guys we have playing. We have a great group of people.

Saturday was a lazy sleep in day, followed by a quick lets get ready to go and get to Baltimore. This was Revelations Premier Day! My good friends Shane and Dawn have spent the last 2 years working on a Star Wars Fan Film called Revelations. Saturday saw the World Premier of that movie at the Senator Theater in Baltimore. Of course it takes me about 1 hour 30 min to get there. Amy and I decided to help out the cause and volunteer. I trooped the event and Amy Helped out with tickets. The movie turned out amazingly well. It was truly visually stunning to watch. After the movie many of the attendees went off to the Gala Party. Sadly I we could not attend as 1: it was pretty expensive and 2: Lee was coming in at 9am Sunday morning. So we hopped in the truck and headed home.

Early Early Sunday morning creeped upon me like a cat pouncing on a mouse. I had to wake up at an ungodly 8am on Sunday morning! (Hey, for me, that’s freaking early for Sunday.) We drove up to Dulles Airport to grab Lee and stopped at Backyard Grill for a very expensive Sunday brunch. After that we dropped Lee’s gear off at my place and headed for the Metro. Lee had an interview downtown so we wanted to go and scout out the area. Of course, our timing could not have been worse. Turns out the time we got there was the same time everyone who was going to the Nationals game got there. The train was PACKED! We didn’t even get as far as what we wanted as it was just too packed. We got off at Federal Triangle and saw the Mickey Mouse Display. It would seem that they are doing a tour of 75 Mickey Mouse statues and this is DC’s turn.

After that we walked over to the White House and had even more great Timing. The sidewalk seemed to be blocked off because the President decided it was a good time to get into Marine 1 and take off. After we finally made it through that crowd we visited with Albert Einstein at his memorial, Walked through the Vietnam Wall, and then trudged the billion steps up to see Mr. Lincoln. You know you never really appreciate how big he is till you see him first hand. No Wonder we elected him president, he could of crushed us all! I heard he was tall but WOW! From there we strolled down past the Korean War Memorial and then on to the new WWII memorial. I hadn’t seen it yet and I have to say they really did a great job on it. Lots of fountains! Lee and I found the area that had Okinawa carved in it and had a seat. Now we can officially say our butts were back on Okinawa!

Well, our feet were starting to hurt so we started back from the old Post office and the metro. We decided to get some Ice Cream and sit and listen to the mellow stylings of the jazz guys that played in the Old Post Office Pavilion. We were all beat so it was Metro time! But wait, we didn’t see where Lee’s appointment was. Ahh so it’s to Federal Center SW first. We walked out of the metro and, BAM, there was the building he was going to. No way could he get lost. So we went home. I think we were home for about an hour or so when we decided food would be good. We hooked up with Paul and hit up a little Irish place called O’Tools for some good eats and pool.

Monday was also a busy day, which kind of explains why I didn’t blog. (That and I was just really lazy) Lee had his appointment at 9am so we needed to get him to the metro by about 8am. Amy had a working interview at 9 but her place was right near my work. And of course I get to work around 9. Now here is the fun part. Le was planning on being done by around 11 and back to the Vienna metro by 12. Amy was supposed to be done at 12, and I take lunch at 12. So theoretically, like clockwork it would all get done in one fell swoop. I could pick up Amy, go get Lee and then drop them off and go back to work. Well, Lee got done at 10:30, Amy didn’t get done till 12:30. So I got Lee, picked up Amy and they dropped me off back at work. So much for plans!

When I got home we had enough time to relax a little and then off to drop Lee off at Dulles again. From what I understand he had quite the story of that event. We got home in time to be there when Steve and Rain dropped off their armor for me to transport to Celebration. And of course we leave for Celebration TOMORROW! Wow, I need to pack. I will of course try and blog once more before I leave and maybe, if I have time, I will try and post from CIII with some pictures. Make sure you keep tabs on the PhotoBlog as I will most likely be sending pics from my phone. Until then….. Seacrest Out!

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