Ok, I sat and thought about it and I think I figured out a few mix ups. I think the 501st Mixer was on Friday night, and it was right before then that I had gone to the RAM with Darth Ericus and his wife. Then on Saturday, after the droid hunt we went and did a special Induction of John Knoll as an honorary 501st member. So now that that is cleared up. Where was I? Oh yeah!
Saturday Night. After the induction was over we headed to the room and rested up a bit. We talked with Steve and Rain about meeting up with them over in Dawns room. So on the way there I got Amy some pizza as I heard she had not eaten all day. This is what I get for leaving her running a fan table all day. (: We met up with the GG gang and instead of going somewhere we all decided to just hang out in the room. The funny part came when we all started asking Dawn about Revelations and it turned into sort of a mini panel on the fan film. It was defiantly one of the better “events” of C3.
Sunday morning was the official 501st group photo. At last count I believe it was around 440 troopers gathering together in armor in the Hyatt lobby to march down to the convention hall. The line of troopers was so long, that, marching 2 by 2, when the front of the line got to the convention center and was going in, there were still troopers leaving the Hyatt. We had actually blocked off the road for about 10 min. The pictures I have don’t do it justice. The end result looked great though.
After the picture Amy and I walked through the Dealers room one last time just to see if there was anything I had missed. While walking by the Lucasarts booth (the company that handles the gaming) I heard them talking about Galaxies and getting the crowd worked up for it. In a way it pissed me off because they are still hyping up a game that’s broken. So myself and a few other scorned galaxies players got together and started a chant of “Fix Smugglers, No More Nerfs.” While it didn’t stop the crowd workers, it did get the attention of Tiggs, the main forum Developer for Lucasarts. She came out and started yelling at me to stop and that it was in-appropriate. I yelled back that they should fix the game and not ban people for just trying to get word out. She claimed that the Smuggler revamp was coming soon and I called her a Liar to her face. She said she didn’t understand why smugglers wouldn’t listen to her when she would talk about it. Gee, I wonder, could it be the 2 ½ years of lies? She ended up walking off, as did I. With a smile on my face of course. I may not have accomplished anything at all, but I felt better.
It was nearing on 1pm and it was time to leave Celebration III behind us. We got in the truck and said our goodbyes as we drove off. And Yes, we had the helmets this time. The weather was cold and nasty the whole way home. Once we hit the Ohio border it started to blizzard and that lasted the whole way through Ohio. Wow, Ohio sucks! After exiting the Penn. Turnpike we took a break for some food and ran into one of the Garrison Carida guys also on his way home! We finally arrived at 1am on Monday morning/Sunday night. We were so exhausted that we unloaded everything to the den and crashed out. Thus the reason I was so tired on Monday morning.
So there you have it. The trip report from Celebration III. I really wish it were managed a bit better so we could actually see some of the things we wanted, but the lines were so horrible, I just didn’t want to waste the time. So, until later, enjoy the Pictures!