E-Bay Auction For Katie

As many of you know I am a very proud member of the 501st legion. (and a not so proud member of the ghetto garrison.) Well after coming home from Celebration III with all of my vader figures in tow, I decided to throw up a little auction. Ok, wait, let me back up a little bit and tell the whole story…. (cue the rewind sound effect)

I am at Celebration III surrounded by Talking Darth Vader figures (Sounds like a Bad dream). I apparently bought more than I had planned and started making jokes about walking through the line to the store and opening one of the Vaders in front of the peoples. You know, just to see their face. Well Amy thought it would be funny to se MY face, so she hands one of the figures to Kathy (Albins Wife) and dares her to open it.

She Did

For a split second I thought “OH NO!” Then I realized that I still had a bunch and besides, it’s a Toy after all. So I took it down to the convention and showed it off to all the people in the dealers room. From there it became a joke to throw it up on E-bay as “The only figure out of the box.” One of the dealers joked that I might get like $600 because of that.

When I got home, I thought “Why not? Would be funny to see how much it goes for.” So I made that the plan. Then, of course I also thought that, while I could use the money, (I am not near as rich as I look) there is someone who could use it a whole lot more. So I opted for the Auction for Katie. Because:

A toy should never have to go through it’s life without being played with

A Little girl should never have to go through the things Katie is going through.

Please visit the auction, and spread the word of it as much as possible.


  1. Steven,

    I’ve passed the e.bay URL to a few friends, one of which loved the fan film download. He’s a teacher/admin in Louisiana. The very best of luck with this heart felt project.

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