Ok, Catch-up Time!

Ok, sorry for the wait. Let me cover the topics that I left off with yesterday:

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: Ok, so I am a big Douglas Adams fan, I have read all of the books for the HHGTTG. If you are a big fan and are planning on seeing this movie, I have one thing to say to you. Do not expect a film adaptation of the book. It’s just not going to happen. If you are indeed a fan of Adam’s work then you would know that it’s constantly changing with every different media that gets made. The movie itself was done amazingly well. It was defiantly done in the spirit of the book and genre. I liked it and am looking forward to the DVD version, if for nothing else then to see a “Directors Cut” version of the film. I won’t say this was my favorite film as of late, but it was a good watch, my verdict: go see it!

Revenge of the Sith (the Novel): Umm Wow, Matt Stover was right. Ok, so every Star Wars movie that has come out recently has had the novel come out just before it. Just like the last two, I picked up the Novel for ROTS, and even had the chance to meet the Author and chat about the book with him. He said simply, “The novel is like ½ of the story, In the novel you see how the character think and feel, in the movie you see how they act and move.” He was so right about that. I have a deeper understanding of the pain that Anakin goes through and why he becomes what he becomes. By reading the novel first, You would think it would ruin the movie because of all the “spoilers” and such, but it really hasn’t. I believe that now, when I see the movie, it will be enhanced by what I have read and now understand about the characters. If you want to really know the full story behind the movie, READ THIS BOOK!

Auction Update!: So the Auction for Katie ended on Thursday at a total of $400. It was actually sold to a group of guys in my office who came out of nowhere with the money and a number of other things. They also stated that they don’t want the figure and plan to send it to Katie. They are an awesome bunch of guys and I know Katie and her family will appreciate the help that have now given.

Radio Free Zion: Some of you may remember the time of long ago yester year, when I used to broadcast on The Team Sportscast Network. I used to have my own weekly show, where I played retro classics. Well, the bug has been itching away at me ever since I left so I took it upon myself to contact the good folks over at Radio Free Zion. RFZ is a station based around the Matrix Online game. But don’t hold that against them. I really just started off asking them about some of the complications that we ran into with TSN. I also offered to whip up a few sounders for them to kind of break the ice. This seemed to draw some interest and we may see a return of Wizzer’s Retro Show. But let’s not get too presumptuous. For now I have simply offered to do some sounders and get to know people. Here is a few examples of the ones I made. We will see how this progresses.

Meanwhile back on the home front, we are planning on attending an Armor party down at one of the 501st guy’s house in Richmond, it should be a good time and who knows, I may actually get my cummerbund fixed! Aside from that everything is going well. I have contracted a nasty bit of a cough. I am sure it will go away soon. If nothing else comes up, then I hope you all have a great weekend!

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