Ok so apparently I spent far too much time out in the large blue encased room with poor temperature control. Something about this yellowy power that bee’s have a craving for. Apparently it’s everywhere and half of the distribution of it seems to have ended up on my face. My eyes and nose have gone into overdrive. Now I know why I hardly ever leave the house (aside from being dirt poor). Well aside from all of that, the weekend went rather well.
After work on Friday I came home and pretty much just relaxed. I played a little bit of WoW with Doc and that lasted me well into the night. Good times were had by all, and of course I was listening to the newfound addiction of Radio Free Zion. I have to say it’s rather weird to be listening to a Matrix based radio station while playing World of Warcraft, but hey, good music is good music!
Saturday, Amy and I headed out for Richmond to attend Rusty’s armor party. This of course ended up being more of a Party than Armor, but that seems to be the usual case. We got there at around 2:30ish and stayed until around Midnight:30ish. During which we actually had a Reporter and Photographer show up to do an article on Star Wars Fans and what we do in off hours. One of the things that we did manage to accomplish was that I got a better understanding on how to use my Sewing machine and I manage to make that confounded extension for my cummerbund. So this is the lowdown on my cummerbund: February of 04 is when I managed to create my Biker Scout outfit and part of that involved sewing a cummerbund and pockets. I was so excited about making the costume I didn’t plan out and think about how long I would have it and any possible alterations that would be happening, to the costume and to myself.
Needless to say since that time I have gained a little weight. Not an insane amount and I still look good, but the cummerbund started to get really tight, and I didn’t exactly make any room to grow on it. So I have since decided that a small extension would be needed, something with Velcro on both sides so that I can adjust the size. I came up with this idea in sept of 04 (after an unfortunate washing/shrinking of said item), so it has taken 9 months to accomplish, but I finally finished it and it works great! Plus, now that I know how to use the machine (that I got for Christmas of last year) It opens up the possibility for even more costumes!
I apparently caught the cleaning bug on Sunday. Amy and I were talking about my son Andrew moving up and that got me going on the whole re-organizing and cleaning up to make room. I know this is going to be hard for some people to grasp but, I have too much crap! It’s true! I have boxes of stuff that I just can’t seem to part with, but I hardly ever use! We did manage to throw out a bunch of crap that was just sitting in a closet and served no purpose. And Dare I say that the Den/Andrews room is almost ready! The closet is cleaned out and everything that is in there should be staying in there in some fashion. Of course it was a nice out on Sunday so we opened all the windows and I did a lot of work in the outside closet, so that brings about more of the watery itchy eyes and sniffley nose. Gah!
Oh yeah, I am not supposed to mention that Amy forgot the camera and that’s why I have no pictures from the party, and I am also not to mention that she scraped a post with the truck (which all it did was scratch the paint off the post, I washed the truck off and it looks fine) But I am not supposed to mention those things cause she would be too embarrassed about it. So be really quiet about it and don’t let her know I said anything. (: