Well, this was certainly a weekend to remember. So here I am now, the big 31. Over the hump that was 30, now I am officially “Thirtysomething.” Strangly enough, the world hasn’t ended yet, I haven’t metamorphed into some hideous being, and nothing in my routine has changed (as of yet). I still plan on blogging on a regular basis, and doing my Star Wars stuff like usual. I am even working on a new special project that will hopefully be done very soon. So, on with the weekend review!
Friday was the Nationals vs. Cubs game! Paul and I headed to the game right after work and got there in a record 2 hours! (: I so hate traffic! Well we got there and had about an hour before game start. This was a good time to get food and drinks, so I got me my Italian Sausage and a Pepsi. Well after the Sausage I was still kind of hungry so I went back for some nachos. When I got back, I guess Paul had taken a moment for himself somewhere but there was some freaky old goy sitting in my seat. Not only that but he had spilled my Pepsi under the chair! When I told him, he just sort of looked at me and got up, then he sat in the seat right behind me (which also wasn’t his and he was moved again)
So the game was starting and so far it was pretty good. As a matter of fact it stayed a really close game until the Top of the Eighth Inning. Before then we had a bunch of entertaining incidents to keep us occupied. This included a guy dressed up as Superman holding a WWF style belt and running all the way around the stadium. I still have no clue why he did it, but I couldn’t get him to stop for a picture at all. The other incident was a girl who apparently had a tad too much to drink. She made it down the stairs but thought that the sidewalk in front of the seats ext to us was a good place to decorate using bodily fluids. This wasn’t so bad except that it was on a main through fare for many of the people walking by, including the beer vendors. One of them actually set down his beer carrier right in it. His comment was “That’s not puke, I’ve seen puke! That’s just beer Spit!” This had us rolling the rest of the night.
The infamous 8th inning. I have no idea what happened, apparently the Nationals chose that moment to forget how to catch a baseball. I…. Uhhhh….. you know, there is really no way to describe what happened. It was defiantly the suckiest suck that ever sucked!
So anyways, when I got home I played around on the PC a little, talking with some of the RFZ guys and whatnot. I decided to see what they were using for a DJ DSP (the tool that uploads the stream of music to the server). They are using SAM, a toll created by Spacial Audio. All I got to say is, wow, compared to what I used to do for TSN to broadcast, it feels like cheating. There is a full Deck, Crossfaders etc. etc. etc.. All the stuff I had to do manually, this thing does automagicly. It’s a great program!
Saturday morning, I woke up to a very special Breakfast. Amy had gone out and bought 31 balloons and a few other “party” items. She has Breakfast for me out of the patio with all the balloons tied to the table. She had some bagels with frosting set out there on some new plates, with a nice warm mug of Chai waiting for me. She bought me the Episode III game for Xbox and a really cool Darth Vader Cup. So we ate out there and enjoyed the morning weather. After that, I came inside and sat playing my game for a while. Once my thumb started to become sore, we headed to the mall and got an oil change for the truck. After the trip to CIII, it needed it. We perused the mall for a while and then headed back home for some more Jedi Action in the Episode III game. The weather changed dramaticly in this time as a HUGE thunder storm came rolling through. This storm was so big, (How Big Was it) It was so big that a bolt of lightning came down and fried the transformer providing power to my neighborhood! No kidding, the thing was on Fire! We figured this was a good time to go get some dinner.
Amy had reservations at the Texas Roadhouse. All I got to say is, they serve up an awesome steak! Of course she had to inform them that it was my birthday, at which time they brought out this saddle and had me sit on it while they announced to all who cared (probably only us) that it was my 12th birthday! (: After dinner we braved the pouring rain to get home. As we drove up we noticed that the flaming transformer had been doused and it even looked like power had been restored! And we all know what that means….. More Gaming! Actually I didn’t game for all that long as Amy had set up a great massage with lavender oil and candles. Let’s just say it was wonderful and I was relaxed into sleep.
So for Sunday we hadn’t planned for much and that’s mostly what ended up happening. We watched Episode I to start prepping for the new movie coming out. I figure we can get Episode II in on Tues night. We also made a trip to the Fabric store. I bought some material for a top secret project and Amy bought some for a new Scrub top for her work. The rest of Sunday was spent working on those. With any luck I will be finished before Wed and I can have some pictures up.
Overall it was a great birthday weekend. I had a blast and I think Amy had fun as well. Wed night is the Richmond Premiere of Episode III so it’s going to be rather Interesting. Look for more updates just before then.