Tonight is the night! That’s right, Tonight at midnight I will finally be able to complete the circle that began in 1977, I will see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith!
I am so excited. I have heard TONS of great reviews. Tonight after work, Amy and I will drive down to the Virginia Center Commons Mall to troop the event with the rest of Garrison Tyranus. We decided to save time, we would load up the truck with everything last night and leave straight from work to head down there. So right now in the truck I have: My Full Scout, my “Special Project”, and my Regular Jedi Robe. I plan on using the Jedi Robe to unveil a different special surprise….. I got my hair cut.
Yup, after growing it long for over a year, I finally cut it all off. And as you can tell in the picture here, I left a braid running down the right side behind my ear. Indeed it is a Padawan braid. I thought, “What the hell, it’s Star Wars day, Why not?” I will most likely be cutting it off after the movie is over. Although, I have a number of people saying that it doesn’t look all that bad, and that I should keep it. Granted, most of the people want me to keep it just for the Ridicule factor. Well see. I may take a poll and see if I should chop it or leave it.
In the mean time, Go see the movie!