A long time ago, in a blog post far far away. Ok, so here in my Plan. Yes, I saw the movie. NO, I will not be reviewing it just yet. I have a number of people who don’t want to know anything about it. And I can’t really give you my thoughts on the movie without giving a lot of things away. What I will talk about is the Trooping of the Event.
We managed to leave the Fairfax area around 2:30pm which, with traffic, put us in Richmond by around 5pm (ish). There were already some people in line, and a bunch of the guys were already starting to get into gear. The theater was great to us, we were offered free soda and free popcorn. I believe we even had a dinner provided to us. At around 5:30-6 I managed to throw on the Scout costume and start working the lines. The people lined up were, well for the most part, pretty good. There were a few that really should have just stayed at the back of the theater. One in particular was a moron who was wearing a pair of shorts and a Vader helmet (sand faceplate). He was walking around with a cheap Wal-Mart lightsaber claiming that he could beat any one there in a dual. Sad thing was that he got beat quite a lot. He probably is one of those asshats in SWG that stands at the star port asking people to duel him.
At about 7:30-8pm I went to transform into the Special project. With the Help of the good Reverend Patton, who supplied the prosthetic face, I became Emperor Palpatine. I am still working on the costume. I plan on making a special clasp for the cloak, and getting a mask of my own. But it looked awesome. I was very happy with how it turned out. A huge thanks to Amy who was kind enough to follow me around with a drink and a straw so I wouldn’t dehydrate. Also big thanks to Lindsey who was dressed as Mara Jade. She walked around with me Killing people I pointed to. It was very odd feeling becoming the Emperor. When I was working on the cloak, I would try it on for fitting and such and everything was just normal, I stood normal, I walked normal, etc.. When I finally threw the mask on for the first time and threw up the hood, I walked hunched over, I limped, and my hands shook. I guess it’s all those years of acting training. So the downside to this is, I was walking with all of my weight on the front of my feet. This over stretched my calves and now I am super sore. Ah the pain of the arts.
At around 10ish we were all rushed into the theater and sat for the movie. I will say this….. It was very Dark. There were some scenes that I was very astonished to see. They rest will come with my full review. Pictures from the event can be found in the Gallery.
So now the weekend is upon us. I plan on going and seeing the movie digitally this weekend. The rest of the time I am just going to relax and clean up the house a bit, this last week has taken it’s toll on me.
On a Completely separate and somewhat sadder note, my grandmother passed away on Wed. She had been in intensive care for about 3 weeks with a large number of problems. These of course were problems that she had before my grandfather passed. I firmly believe that she felt it was her duty to stay around until my grandfather moved on, then it was her time. Trust me when I say, she had lived a very full life.
Please do not worry about sending me messages asking me if I am ok, or saying “I’m sorry.” This was her time to go, and she went according to her wishes. I am ok. (Saying this I know that as soon as Amy reads this she is probably going to walk over and give me a big hug, most likely asking if I am ok.)
Anyways, It’s the weekend! Go out and have a drink!