There I said it.
Yes, it was very good, and it was by far better than the first two of the prequels, but….. It still wasn’t the best one. I figured that it’s been over a week since the movie came out, now would be a good time to write a review. WARNING!!! This review will probably have spoilers in it, so if you haven’t seen the movie and don’t want to spoil it then Get your butt out of that computer chair and go see it. Then come back and read this. If you have seen it and want to compare notes, then read on.
First I have to say that, reading the book before seeing the movie help in so many ways. There were entire plotlines that were not even mentioned in the movie. The whole Rebelling Senators story, and Anakin’s search for Knowledge and Master hood were only touched on. I really felt that these things were vital to the story and they were just dropped. I really thought that Haden Christiansen did well as Anakin this round, defiantly better than the EPII Anakin. And where Anakin’s character got better, I really feel that the Character of Padme got worse. Natalie Portman is a great actress, but, I guess the dialogue and direction just weren’t there for her this time around. Padme didn’t seem like the “Take Charge” Strong woman anymore, instead it was too overly caring and mushy. And the Scenes with both of these two together? In a word, Painful. I am very Thankful to Uncle George for giving us the Star Wars Universe, but the man can’t write/direct love scenes.
This movie was probably one of the Darkest of them all. I mean, I know it’s supposed to be dark, with the whole turning to the Dark Side bit, but really, it was very dark. There are some scenes that you just didn’t expect to see in a Star Wars Movie. It truly shows that Darth Vader is pure dag nasty evil! He very ruthlessly kills unarmed civilians, tears through the Jedi Temple like a mad man, He kills the Younglings (the kids from Episode II) and he chokes his pregnant wife. Sounds like a bad episode of C.O.P.S. It was great to see how Anakin gets confused by Palpatine and turned into Vader though. It really brought the story full circle. Now I need to go back and watch the Original Trilogy and see how it affects the story.
The effects in the movie were amazing, as per normal with anything Lucas does. I actually found myself getting a little motion sick during the first scene with the ships zipping around in space. The main complaint I have about all of the CGI (which was much better this round than EPII) is the Troopers. I guess it’s ok when the troopers are helmeted and moving around like normal, although I know there is no way someone in armor can move like they did. But, when I see a trooper with his helmet off and the body doesn’t match up with the head……. It makes little stevie cry. Why couldn’t he just make the armor like he did with the original? It’s not that hard, and I personally know a number of people he can contract out to to make it! The scenes where Obi Wan and the clone troopers are discussing plans, and the Troopers helmets are off just look goofy. You see a clone walk from one area to another and the head doesn’t match.
General Grievous. What’s to say about him? He was very evil, in a Snidely Whiplash sort of way. It was a cyborg, but yet he had a bad cough. No doubt he was a bad A$$ but, there wasn’t all that much of a fight with him. Obi Wan took him out very quickly so that the movie could move on. Much more detail went into Grievous in the book. I know that they can’t make the whole book into the movie, but they really left far too much out. And the Grievous I saw in the book, well he was 100 times the tyrant than he was in the movie.
Now, don’t get me wrong about the movie. I liked it. I liked it a lot. It completed the story that was started in 1977 and I am thankful for that. But I really wouldn’t rate it as the best Star Wars Movie.
So, that had to be the largest movie review I have done on this site to date. Well I guess since it’s a genre that is so ingrained in my life, it’s warranted.
Well then, on with life. This weekend is a party down at Patton’s house, its Shipley’s birthday and it’s time to get Jiggy with it. I could use a good party. The past few weeks have been pretty busy. Of course I will be back, most likely on Tuesday, to give the weekend report. It will be nice to have the 3 day weekend. Maybe I should have taken today off?