Being sick Sucks

So I completely feel like I have lost days of my life. So here is what happened. I went to Shipley’s Birthday party on Saturday, like everything was normal. We had a great time at the party, watched a lot of the funnier videos like IMPS and such. We drank, a lot. But ironically enough I stopped drinking and even started sobering up towards the end of the night (Lots of water). One of our troopers brought some Balloons and we had a blast. Overall, great time. That is, until Sunday morning. So I wake up at around 10am Sunday, still at Marcs place. I am feeling ok at this point, just a little bit of a sore throat. We decide to go to Hard Time Café for Lunch (breakfast?)

Around this time I am starting to feel a little sluggish and I start getting really really cold. I am wearing a fleece and am still cold. When we left I was starving for food and by the time we got there and I started eating, I had pretty much lost the will to eat and, for that matter, to move as well. I tell Amy that I want to head home and she drives. Keep in mind that Marc’s place is in Fredericksburg, so it’s about an hour or so to get home. The whole trip I am fading in and out of sleep. By the time we get home, I can barely walk. Amy makes me a bath and I crawl into bed shortly afterwards. At this point My Fever is 102.5. I am grasping for every blanket under the roof because I am still freezing.

Amy calls up Lee to get some advice and he says that I shouldn’t be under that many covers with a High fever. As much as she didn’t want to do it (mostly because I was begging for covers) she took them away to help get my fever down. By about 7pm Sunday night, I was so sick and sore all over that I decided to make the trek to the emergency room. Side note here, I hate going to the Doctor, I mean, I really hate going to the Doctor, and emergency rooms are that much worse because they are rushed doctors. So know that, if I make the decision to go to a doctor, willingly, I must be feeling bad. So when we go to the hospital, I was already having trepidations about going, then the nurse said it would be about a 2-3 hour wait. At about this time my fever was down to about 101, but my back was killing me. There was no way I was going to sit in a waiting room chair for 3 hours. So I made a deal with Amy, if I wasn’t feeling better by Monday, then we would come back.

Monday was spent in a drugged stupor. The plus side is that my fever was dropping. By the end of Monday I was actually up and moving a little. I thought I might actually be able to go to work on Tuesday. Yeah, so, I was wrong. Oh, I went in alright, and sat at my desk in a daze. I made it through a few hours and then just gave up. I believe my fever at this point was around 99-100. I think this is when I started my NyQuil binge as well. I took a dose of NyQuil at around 4pm-ish and was starting to get woozy by 6, but not asleep. You see, I was having a hard time sleeping this whole time. By 7pm I really was getting pissed that I wasn’t sleeping yet. So by around 8:30pm I took my second dose. Flash Forward, I now realize that the time period between Doses was 6 hours, not 4 hours. Meanwhile back in un-happy land, the visions were out of this world. This would have to be one of the weirdest trips I had ever been on. (not saying I have really been on that many.)

Try to imagine this, when your eyes are open, everything is perfectly clear, your thought pattern is clear, you are thinking in coherent clarity. When you close your eyes, the world of modern art becomes your reality, colors smear together, objects morph into other objects. The oddest ones were the child cartoons. You have seen on TV where they take a child-like drawing, stick figure and such, and then animate it. It was like that only much more horrific. There was a point where Amy was sitting with me and stroking my hair and I had images of this cartoon stick figure pulling his hair out at the roots with blood going all over. Needless to say I swatted her hand away. The other weird thing about it all is that, although I had clear thoughts when my eyes were open, I couldn’t form clear sentences, or walk straight for that matter. I could think of what I wanted to say, but couldn’t really say it. Out of all of this, I still couldn’t sleep. (Could you sleep with all of that going on in YOUR head?)

Wednesday I just took the day off work. I took DayQuil through out the day, and felt much better. I was able to get up and do things in the house, but still couldn’t stomach looking at the computer, so that stayed off. By the time Thursday came around, I was feeling much better and felt that I had survived. And now it’s Friday! After much discussion and deliberation, we have decided to not go anywhere this weekend! Every weekend for a while now has involved going somewhere and doing something. This weekend is going to be a relaxing one. I am going to catch up on some gaming, maybe make some new sounders for the RFZ Newborn “Awakened Radio.” More on that subject later. I will, of course, do my best to fill you in on Monday.

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