Is it even safe to say you have writers block if you’re not “officially” a writer? I mean, I write for a blog, it’s not like a book, or a media outlet really, but, in a way it is. I am posting out my thoughts and feelings on Life, the Universe, well, everything really. (Ok so that was cheesy) and there are people out in the world that read what I post. Some of those people know me, some don’t. So why wouldn’t that label me as a writer? So now that we have confirmed my officially being a writer, I think it’s safe to say that I officially have writers block. Seriously, I haven’t been able to think of anything to write about.
This last weekend was very plain. I gamed a lot, and Amy worked on her homework. Heck, we didn’t even do that much laundry. I did spend a little time working on some really great sounding drops for Awakened Radio. But Of course, since there is no real structure or communication, they won’t be used. (sigh.) Overall it was a very relaxing weekend, but to be honest, nothing really ground breaking happened.
Thus, is my dilemma. What do I write about when there is nothing to write about? Wow, I am starting to have a de’ja’vu. It almost feels like I have written about this subject before.
The first part of the week was basically the same as the weekend. Come home, Play around on the PC, Eat dinner and watch some TV, Play some more, go to sleep. The good news about this is that I am starting to see the benefit to not going out and spending money. I might actually have some spare funds. Of course, that’s all going into savings so that I will have money for when Andrew gets here. That’s coming soon, by the way. Come August time, my Son will be making the move to live with his dear old demented dad. It will be good for him and for me.
So, about the only exciting thing to come from this week is the new Patch for WoW, and me canceling my MXO account. The new patch includes the first of many battlegrounds. This is basically an instance that you go into to do PVP. The one that I got the chance to try was the Capture the Flag battleground. It was a lot of fun, and I got some great Honor Kills from it. Once I get a little higher in Level I will be able to try the other one.
And finally, yes, the Matrix Online account has been canceled. Good Riddance. It was probably the worst MMORPG I have ever played. The engine was terrible, and game play was a royal pain. I have ranted about it enough so I won’t go into more about the game. The Canceling of the account was just as Nightmarish though. I finally had to send in a Tech Support petition:
————————–Begin Transmission————————————Customer (Steve Petrucelli) – 06/06/2005 09:59 AM
I have tried Multiple times to Call and cancel my account.
When I get the Option to Press 4 to Cancel, I get transferred to a Busy signal.
I do not have all day to sit and call back just to cancel my Account. Please cancel the account as of today June 6th 2004. You were able to activate the account in a matter of seconds over the web. It should be just as easy to cancel the account.
—————————–Response 1———————————-Response (Doug) – 06/06/2005 11:19 AM
Hello Steve,
Thank you for contacting Technical Support! We have received your request and forwarded your petition to the appropriate department. You can expect to hear back from them shortly. If you have not received a reply within 48 hours please update this petition.
—————————–Response 2———————————-Response (mxo.nun) – 06/06/2005 03:24 PM
We can cancel your account. However, we’d like to ask why you’re canceling so we can better improve the product for future users.
—————————–Response to Response2———————————-Customer (Steve Petrucelli) 06/06/2005 06:53 PM
The game did not live up to the hype, the game engine itself was clunky and too difficult to use, the combat system was boring and over-rated. The mission system was far too repetitive and thusly, boring. The idea of running along and getting “Sucked” into a locked combat over and over and over made getting anywhere a chore. The “Live” events proved to be a waste of time as I had never seen any of the events or the results because of the locations or the servers going down ever 30 min for “Maintenance”. Overall I think you might have had a good game with the storyline, but the actually game mechanics completely sucked.
—————————–Response 3———————————-Response (mxo.nun) 06/07/2005 09:50 AM
We have set your account to pending cancelled. This means that you can still play the game, but at the end of your current subscription period, your account will become cancelled instead of renewing automatically. If you desire to reactivate the account in the future, please use the activate link in the master account status page. Thank you for your feedback. I would like to note that if you turn on Evade Combat and refresh it after it goes down, you’ll have a lot less problem with getting pulled randomly into interlock by the gangs. That used to annoy me too, until someone pointed out that I could avoid it with this ability.
—————————–Response to Response3———————————-Customer (Steve Petrucelli) 06/07/2005 10:12 AM
I appreciate the help, but I used the Evade combat multiple times. It’s when you just get out of combat with one guy and another pulls you in. when your jumped by 3-4 MOB’s and each one gets “their turn” as sucking you into combat, it gets old. Any other game I can just run away. Here I had to evade combat, and then when that fails, I have to exit combat, and then get sucked into another, then another, then dead. Doing that about 10 times per session isn’t fun. If you want a suggestion, make it so that when you Retreat from combat you can’t get sucked into any other combat for about 5-10 seconds. Would make retreating a little better and would stop the “Yo-Yo” effect of getting sucked into multiple combats.
—————————–Response 4———————————-Response (mxo.nun) 06/07/2005 10:25 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. The developers are actually already working on changes to the interlock system like this, in order to make this issue you’ve described less frustrating. (You may have seen some of the threads on the boards where people are discussing the pros and cons of the proposed changes.
——————————-End Transmission—————————-
So all of that, just to get an account canceled. Every other MMORPG has a “Cancel Account” button on their website.
Anyway, I am going to make it a point to post something on Friday. Look for more then