Yes, it’s time for yet another road trip! It seems like I am spending most of my weekends going somewhere other than here. Well, except for last weekend of course. This coming weekend we will be off to VA beach to visit with Doc and Diz. (I would link to their site but, oh, they don’t have one!) They live right on the beach so it will be nice with the weather getting so freaking Hot. Since they have stuff going on till around 2-3pm on Saturday, I figured we would just take a nice leisurely drive down to VA beach and maybe see some of the sights. *GASP* What’s this? Steve is leaving the house and venturing out into the Big Blue Room with poor Temperature control? Yup! It’s time to unplug and see the world! I have even been contemplating the Idea of going camping. You know, the whole tent, sleeping bag, fire, etc..
Last night I actually did something nice for Amy. One of her absolute favorite movies is one called Down to You. It stars Freddy Prince Jr. and Julia Stiles. Well, in a scene of the movie (actually the very end scene) Julia’s character, Imogen, comes home from work and opens the door to find a candle lit on a table. Next to the candle is a note that says “Go to the next candle”. Sure enough, there is another candle on a table a little father into the apartment. On the note with the second candle it says “Why are you walking around in the dark, turn on the light.” And of course when she turns on the light, there is Freddy’s character, Al. He starts mouthing the words to Barry Whites “Can’t get enough of your love.”
Well, I was originally supposed to go to the Nationals game with Paul, but he forgot about a date he had made a while ago, so we canceled the game. Amy, however, didn’t know that. She thought I wasn’t going to be home until around 11pm. So I went about my plan as soon as I got home. I had the notes almost identical to the movie versions. Knowing that I could not repeat the magic of the movies in my apartment (in the movie she turns on the light and the apartment is lit entirely with candles, who knew you can light candles by a switch!) I had the last note amended to read “open the door and turn on the light” and set the candle near the bedroom door. By the time she was off of her class, 9:45, I was in my suit and had my handy Screwdriver prop Mic handy. The song was cued, the candles were lit and I was in position.
When she walked in, I couldn’t see her face. (I was behind the close door) But as soon as she turned on the light and heard the song, I could swear she was about to cry. I played the roll almost exactly. We danced, and hugged, and she still looked like she was going to cry. It felt good to do something nice for her. And the really nice thing is that it took nothing to do it. I owned the song, I had the candles, and the notes were just some paper. So for the cost of a Match to light the candles, I put a smile on her face that will last her a lifetime.
Will be posting Monday with the trip report.
Dude, you are such a ham.
Isn’t he is Amazing !!
143 Forever and a Day!
that’s so full of cheese, but it’s the good kind. Like brie. I wish I could get some cheese like that.