You know, it’s actually pretty hard to find a good image for “My Head is swimming.” See, all of the images (ok well, most) that are in the blog are from Google Image Searches. I put in the thing I am writing about and then re-host it from my site. So if the topic is, say, my fever from the other day, I would do a Google image search for the word “Fever” and see what came up. But there aren’t really any good images for the term “my head is swimming” So I think I opted for something surreal. Meaning behind it being that, I am not feeling on top of my game today. I didn’t sleep well because of a scratchy throat. This morning I wasn’t feeling too great so I took some of the ever famous DayQuil. You can now imagine why my head is all whirly twirly. Thankfully, there are no weird animated children’s drawings in my head.
Wow, I have been working on this all day, and I just noticed that I only have 1 paragraph! Ok, Given that I have just taken my Second dose of DayQuil and I know that I am going to be Loopy again in about 10 min, I am going to officially say that the Weekend trip report will be done tomorrow. Highlights of which will be: Long trip down to Docs, Stopped at Old Towne Occoquan, Enjoyed the Beach, Doc’s Birthday Present to me, The Life Aquatic, Norfolk Harbor fest, and Punch Bug/Slap Mustang (You will have to wait till tomorrow to understand).