Weekend Update (Finally)

Ok, sorry about yesterday, I really wasn’t feeling well and my head was somewhere in La La Land. I think it’s along the lines of a simple head cold. I am a little congested, I have a small cough, and my nose is running the Marine Corp Marathon. Thankfully, no fever, and while I am a little tired, I am not as wiped as I was last time. Today I made it all the way to 11:30 before taking something. Well, anyways, lets move on to what happened this last weekend.

It was a very long drive down to Norfolk. We took 7100 to 123 to 95 to 295 to 64 (for those of you in the area you know the route) for some reason, all along 95 and 64 there was TONS of traffic! What was annoying about this is that there was no reason for it. I couldn’t see any Crashes, no pull overs, no stranded vehicles. So explain to me why everyone felt the need to all drive at 25 MPH the whole way? Even through the tunnel between Newport News and Norfolk, it was slow. The other side of the tunnel? Free and clear. /sigh

The nice break that we had was in Occoquan. It’s on the way down south so we decided to take a bit of a break there. It’s a very quaint little Riverside town. It was Very typical for an “Old Towne.” There were certainly more country shops then you could count, but the scenery was nice and it broke up the trip nicely. Occoquan isn’t actually very far from where I live now. I wonder how much a place down there would run me.

While visiting with the Doc meister, we got to visit the beach that is right across from his house. I took a look at the picture I posted last week and I guess you really can’t make out the words after it go resized. That really is an overhead of his house though. The beach was absolutely beautiful. The weather was warm but breezy. We took off the shoes and just took a long walk up and down the beach for a while. It was most relaxing, and I know that Amy and I both needed that.

Once we got back (r was it before, I forget) I got to see my Birthday present! Doc went all out, he got me the Kotobukiya Scout Trooper Statue! It’s amazing! The detail on it is phenomenal. I will defiantly see if I can get some pictures of it posted. I am sure that the one to the side here just doesn’t do it justice. I have placed it in a station of honor on the TV. It is next to my remote controlled biker scout and my Gentle Giant Biker Scout bust. Pictures will come soon, I have been meaning to take pictures of the Living room. But that’s a post for another time.

For dinner, Doc and Diz whipped up a down home country style supper with all the fixins! We had fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob! Needless to say, Amy felt right at home. After dinner, we retired to the deck where Doc assured us that the fireworks, which were being launched from the nearby Harbor fest, could be seen. We waited and I think we might have seen a subtle change of light in the sky behind all the trees, but no fireworks. This was when we thought another walk on the beach, this time, by moonlight, would be in order. There were a few people lighting off fireworks over the water so it was not a total loss. All of that and Amy got a romantic moonlight beach walk.

By now we were starting to get pretty tired. Especially since most of us were up till 2am the night before. (late night gaming on Friday night.) Doc had rented the movie “The Life Aquatic” so we sat down to wide up the night watching a movie. I am not really sure what to say as far as a review of this movie. The Life Aquatic is about a “Jacque Cousteau” type character that is past his prime. The movie is very Dry and very Blunt. It was good from an artistic point of view. It just, I don’t know. It’s so hard to explain. It was funny, it had moments that were very astonishing. But…… I guess you will just have to judge it for yourself.

On Sunday we had a lazy morning and then headed off to the Norfolk Harbor fest. There were a gaggle of boats and ships to see, but the main one that took our notice was the Kalmar Nyckel. It’s a ship that sails out of Delaware and is a recreation of the Original.

The original Kalmar Nyckel sailed from Sweden to the New World in 1638 leaving its passengers to establish the first permanent European settlement in the Delaware Valley, the Colony of New Sweden in present-day Wilmington, Delaware.

We got to tour the ship and see what some of the crew deal with. It was very interesting. I put a few pictures from the trip in the gallery.

Shortly after the Harbor fest, we decided to start the trek back home. Thankfully there was not near as much traffic on the way home. One of the games that Amy and I play while on road trips is Punch Bug. I am sure you have heard of it. If you see a Volkswagen Bug, you call it, and the color, and you get a punch on the other person. Our rules are:

  • Classic Bugs are Double Punches
  • Convertible Bugs are Double Punches
  • Convertible Bugs with the Top down are Triple Punches.

So you can imagine if you saw a classic convertible with its top down, that’s a four punch bug! Well, a while back we weren’t seeing enough bugs to make this game all that interesting anymore. So out of the blue Amy reaches over and slaps me saying “Mustang Blue.” This spawned a whole new sub game. The rules are as follows:

  • Any Mustang is a slap
  • Convertibles are Doubles
  • Top Down’s are Triples

This made for a very fun drive, both there and back. With traffic moving so slow on the way down, I had enough time to actually pay attention to the other side of the road and see all of the Bugs as they were coming. I was getting so many that Amy would actually get very excited when she saw one and hit a little harder each time. It’s all in good fun and no one really gets hurt, but by the time we were done with the trip, both of out legs were red from the slaps and she had an impressive bruise on her arm. (Don’t freak out too much, she bruises if you barely touch her arm). It was defiantly a fun time though.

I think I am going to wrap this one up here and continue some more tomorrow. See ya then!

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